Chapter 16: Is this how people get closer?

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'Kim Gyuvin said he'd come over today. But he didn't say a word to me at school, not even a text....Did he probably forget?', Yujin skips the last class of cram school to get home a little early.
He'd still deny it but he was looking forward to the movie watching plan the two made so if Gyuvin Kim failed to show up, he might as well say goodbye to their infant blooming friendship.

He was almost home but still got nothing from Gyuvin.
'Okay...whatever it's better if he doesn't co-'

"Hey~", Yujin's body quickly reacts to the calling. Gyuvin was waiting for him at the children's playground below Yujin's apartment. His body size not proportionally suitable for the small sized children's swing. "Why are you so late?", he complains.

"....I went to cram school after class", Yujin was still denying the weight of disappointment he would've felt if Gyuvin didn't show up because he was definitely not displeased to see the other,"What are you doing there?", he plays cool. Bro knows why he was there of course

Gyuvin lifts his ass up from the swing,"I was waiting for you". He drags his feet towards the younger.
"We're supposed to watch a movie today... I hope you didn't forget about it, did you?", he smiled.

You would never guess how the two were comfortable enough to look like they've been close since forever.
Just kidding. They were sitting like 32 feet apart from each other as they turned on the tv screen.

Fifteen minutes into the movie and Yujin already felt like it wasn't good enough for his interest to be invested. He kept stealing glances from his side eye, '...why does he look so engrossed. Hasn't he already seen this movie?'

'This one is kind of interesting compared to the last time's but.... it doesn't give off that great of a feeling.
Am I not getting the meaning of these movies?
....what could it be?'

The end credits appear on the screen.

"...what? Is it over", Yujin questions confused.


"...the ending? Isn't it weird leaving it open like tha-", Yujin stops and turns hearing Gyuvin's sniff. 'wtf?'

"..wh-y are you crying?", oh hell no, Yujin has already lost count of Gyuvin's loser traits and now he consistently keeps adding more. Like give Yujin bro a rest, will you? But at least he knows Gyuvin's topdog image is just a disguise.

"I'm not", Gyuvin denies rubbing his tears off using his shirt sleeve.

"...okay", *inserts dog's side eye meme


"....exactly which part made you cry?", Yujin asks. His question was peak-genuine because boy has never ever cried watching a movie.

Gyuvin side eyes him thinking he was being sarcastic.

"...are you planning study filmmaking or something relate ?", Yujin was trying to engage more in conversations. He knew he was bad.

"No why?", Gyuvin replies.

"...just. you like movies so"

"I don't know... I don't really think about stuff  for the future", Gyuvin puts the cushion away.

"What about you? What are you going to do?", He returns the question.

"Any office job with a high salary", Yujin was quick to answer.

Gyuvin chuckles," Lol that sounds so like you....", he smiles as his eyes softens,"'re interesting."

"You say you're Director Han Yuhyeon's son but you don't look alike... I hope you're not lying", Gyuvin teases.

"I look like my mom. Also, why would I lie? He's not even a famous director", Yujin defends.

"Don't shade him like that bro". It looked like Gyuvin was the one who was more offended.

"Ah", Gyuvin recalls something,"I watched one of his interviews where he said he has a son the same age as me so I just had this image of him in my head"


"Although you don't look alike, you guys do have some similari-"

Gyuvin's voice starts fading as Yujin's thoughts starts taking over. 'I've had this feeling up until now. Whenever it's just the two of us, he's a different person from the one at school....He speaks well, he laughs well , he isn't cold and also...'

"What's the image of the son you had in your mind?", Yujin was curious.

"I'm not telling", Gyuvin teases again as he stands up, "Can we just get something to eat? I'm hungry"

'....and also secretly'

"...chicken?",Yujin suggests

"But I want pizza", Gyuvin opposes.

"..let's get pizza then",Yujin agrees

"Nope. Let's get chicken", Gyuvin let's his mischievous side slowly creep in.


Gyuvin laughs. Yujin's reactions are probably his kind of humour. "I'll treat since you let us watch a movie on your tv"

'...and also secretly, he's a kind person...
That's what weird.... It makes it seem like the Kim Gyuvin at school is fake.'

"...ah I'm full", Gyuvin groans. He ate most of the chicken because Yujin barely eats.

"I'm going to study now...", Yujin gets up from the dining chair.

"Then, what about me?", Gyuvin looks at him.

" ....? Go home? You came to watch the movie, it's over?", damn sometimes Yujin's words hurts.

"Uh— how about I lie down on the sofa while you study? I won't disturb you'', Gyuvin suggests raising both his brows.

"Whatever", Yujin says before he leaves for his room.

The clock keeps ticking and it already 11:47. Yujin covered about three-fourth of the math workbook. After self-assessing each question, he found no mistakes so he was satisfied. "Kim Gyuvin...he's quiet"

He goes out of the living room to check on him. Yujin finds the boy sleeping soundly on the sofa. He squats down.

'Speaks well, laughs well, eats well, sleeps well...was he always like that?... It's strange'

"Hey wake up", Yujin pats the side of Gyuvin's arm.

'It's strange how, when it comes to rejecting Kim Gyuvin... I'm failing to do it'

Hi! This is Taraevisionly.
I've just noticed some chapters are relevantly shorter than the others but as long as the plot follows ig it's fine lol🤡
Also, I'll be updating about 3 chapters in a go since it's better to binge read so I hope y'all can give me some time <3
Thank you for reading!

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