Story 1

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In the very center of town lays a house devoided of any signs of happiness as inside the lifeless home sleeps a newly divorced housewife with tears stains on her face. Davina was a very honest and sweet kind of women who was extremely faithful and loving that's until she saw her now ex-husband having s*x with his seemingly distant cousin. She didn't know what to do as she saw the sight burning inside her mind while her heart was shattered into the most tiniest pieces as their marriage was now beyond repair. Her eyes slowly opened full of emptiness and devoided any of her original personality inside them as she gotten out of her bed before leaving her room. Her eyes hollow with dark pinkish light inside them as her mind blank as certain she wasn't the same person with her once kind and caring nature. She wanted to end her own life as it had no meaning after her marriage was sent aflame. She opens the drawer before pulling out a very sharp knife with intentions on slit her own throat as she grips at it slowly reaching her vital neck points that's until she heard someone at the front door. She unconsciously places the sharp blade down on the counter as she was on autopilot walking towards the front before opening to see a very handsome young man in his early twenties.

Seiji:(bows) Hello there miss!! I'm Seiji L/n and I've just moved in the neighborhood from all the way to Japan. *smiles* It's a pleasure to finally meet my new neighbor!!

Davina couldn't help but admire the young man right in front of her as his smile could made her own cold heart fluttering from non-existence. After her marriage died with her unfaithful husband she greatly wanted them to suffer a very agonizing death. Everyday after her husband's betrayal with his very own cousin she received ambiguous messages from her phone whom she believes to be her ex-husband's demented cousin giving her death threats and other sick texts. After the divorce was finalized the messages stop fully leaving Davina with her empty eyes with tears flowing like a river. Since that day she wasn't the same after then.

Seiji:(concerned) Are you okay there? Miss?

Davina:(null) Davina.

Seiji looks at her eyes seeing them completely voided of any light already feeling there's something wrong with her. He felt a strange feeling from some an unknown source as something was telling him to help this women.

Seiji:(smiles) That's a pretty name miss Davina.

Davina couldn't help but felt very comfortable around the young man as he gave off a more stronger sense of security and his aura surrounding him was very kind and caring. She decided to let him inside her own home as she made sweet tea to drink. Her and Seiji had some good conversations with each other as Davina feeling more relax slowly more and more content with his presence despite meeting for the first time. This interaction was the first of many in the slow process of their newly formed relationship. Over the course of the months their relationship slowly but surely grew more stronger and stronger by each passing day as Seiji would loved to talk to her making Davina gaining more powerful feelings for him. Though she still has mental scars of her ex-husband's treachery leaving her in the dark completely destroying her spirit crushing her kind soul her beautiful eyes lost its pure light as well mind broken.

Seiji:(concerned) Davina? Are you okay?

Davina:(surprise) Oh. *nullify* I'm sorry just thinking about something from the past.

Seiji:(calmly) Do you want to talk about it Davina?

Seiji places his hand on hers making her blush slightly before seeing his beautiful purple eyes showing nothing but genuine concern for her. Davina could no longer deny the intense feelings for him as she sighs before holding on his hand before shyly taking him by surprise before taking him to her own room. Then before she even think for herself Davina started kissing him making him jolt with great surprise before returning her feelings as he felt the same. They taken off their clothes before passionately making love as Davina felt the great gentleness from Seiji as their tongues dance with rhythm in their embraces.

Seiji:(panting) Davina.

Davina:(breathlessly) Seiji....I love you~ Please don't ever leave me~

Seiji:(lovingly) I won't Davina. I promise I'll be there for you always. I'll never let you go~

They held their hands together as they continued resuming making love as Davina's mental scars slowly fading away as she was truly loved by someone who genuinely shows his undying confession towards her. The night went on as they finally become one. Their united love making resulted the birth of their first child (D/n or S/n) while Davina held her beloved little one in her arms as she kisses her new husband with true love in the form of hearts in her dark pink eyes. She is happy now as their family only grew bigger from there as she and Seiji spent the rest of their lives together happily married with a beautiful family until death do them part. But for now they'll enjoy every moment of life with each other as they continue with life.

[Note: I really hoped you've enjoyed this!!]

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