Welcome Home

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Melanie's heart raced as she sat in the back seat of the car, her feet swaying nervously. She clutched her stuffed animal tightly, finding comfort in its softness. The drive to her new home was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts and worries. She couldn't help but wonder what her new parents, Donna and Donald Way, would think of her. Would they find her strange? Overly sensitive? Childish? Despite their reassurances that they were excited to meet their new daughter, Melanie couldn't shake her fears. As they pulled up to the house, Donald kindly helped her with her suitcase and she took a deep breath, clutching her backpack and stuffed animal even tighter. Donna greeted her warmly, her smile putting Melanie at ease as she stepped inside.

Gerard and Mikey had known for some time that their family was going to expand. Their parents, Donna and Donald, had been considerate enough to inform them beforehand and not just bring a stranger into their home. The boys were left to their own devices while their parents went to fetch their new sibling. They passed the time indulging in their favorite hobbies of listening to music and reading comic books. Suddenly, the sound of the front door opening caught their attention. They both turned to see a young girl with split-dyed hair and a stuffed animal enter the room, looking shy and apprehensive.

"Gerard, Mikey, come say hi to your sister!" said Donna cordially as she and Donald walked through the doorway and into the room.

As Melanie stood there, she felt a sense of unease wash over her. Her lips pursed together as her grip tightened on her beloved stuffed animal. Looking up at the two towering boys, she could feel her heart racing with anxiety. One had long, jet-black hair that cascaded down his shoulders, while the other was a lanky boy with glasses perched on the bridge of his nose. Despite her fear, she remained calm and composed, determined not to let them sense her vulnerability.

"Um...hi..." she said shyly. "Y-you must be Gerard and Mikey...right?" She was experiencing a rapid acceleration of her heartbeat as if it was participating in a marathon. Her nervousness was palpable and evident in her voice. Fortunately, she managed to hold back tears, as that would have resulted in a less-than-ideal first impression.

Gerard and Mikey, two brothers, obediently followed the given instructions and made their way toward their sister. As they approached, they couldn't help but feel a bit uneasy and awkward standing side by side. Despite their nervousness, they made an effort to greet their sister politely, with a simple nod and a quiet hello.

"Boys, this is your sister Melanie. As her brothers, it would be great if you could watch out for her," Donna expressed her hope that her sons would be able to provide support for their newly arrived sibling. While one of her sons was thin and the other heavier, neither of them displayed a particular inclination towards athleticism. Despite her optimism, Donna couldn't help but feel concerned about the possibility of Melanie experiencing any form of bullying. As soon as their parents departed, Melanie was left alone with her two new brothers, to foster a deeper bond between them.

Despite her eagerness to articulate her feelings, she found herself unable to verbalize them. Instead, she stood there silently as she watched the young boy saunter away, feeling deeply concerned that his older brothers might subject her to bullying due to her innate sensitivity and youthful demeanor. This was not the first time she had been subjected to such harassment - she had experienced it before at her previous school. However, back then she had a group of friends to rely on. Now, they were miles away, and social media was her only means of staying connected with them.

"So...um...what do you guys like to do?" She asked.

"Read comics, play Dungeons and Dragons, listen to music, watch Star Wars... We're such losers.." Gerard attempted to make a joke, but his tone lacked any humor.

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