I need some help guys!

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Hey guys do any of you have some request? Cuz I'm running out of ideas. 

If you have, just comment below 🥰🥰 And I'll use it in the next chapter. 

To be honest, I'm getting much more busier since I have a midyear test in July. It'll be a tough one so I need to get revising.

But don't worry I'll update if I had the time.

Btw, can anyone tell me how to watch rma seosan 2 part 1 & part 2? 

I've lost almost half of my Youtube playlist so the season 2's movies that I saved are all gone  😭😱 I did find some season  2's video in Youtube but I can't watch cuz it says that the video uploader hasn't allow the video in my country. 

Can anyone help?

Anyways, bye guys and I hope to see u all in the next chapter. 


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