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"You dare...." Hob stuttered and tried to get the conversation back on track. "You dare suggest one such as I would require companionship." Your husband's pride had been punctured, right now he used your linked hands to pull you to your feet. "Then I shall take my leave of you and prove you wrong." You stood; brow furrowed beginning to chastise Dream. Although this never went well, "husband," Dream had been clear that he did not want you to call him Morpheus or Dream in front of Hob Gadling. Dream pulled you out of the Traven and away as Hob shouted after him. The rain began to soak into your clothes, sticking to your skin and wetting your hair. After rounding a corner, Hob's shouting began to fade away as Dream's sand enveloped you both and took you back to the Dreaming.

You blinked finding yourself in your shared chambers, Dream used your linked hands to get you to face him. "I thought I was clear; you were not to undermine me, and you were not to question me." You softened your gaze meeting the swirling galaxies. "He is your friend and while you do not wish to have that label, a companion is what he is to you." Dream's eyes darkened the stars dimming, "you are my wife." You tilted your chin up at him. You carefully removed your hand from your husband's. A flicker of hurt flashed across his face, too quick for anyone else to catch but as his wife you caught it. "That does not give you the right order me about. I accept your game with Hob Gadling for withholding your name, but I will not stand for his mistreatment." Dream caught your chin between his finger and thumb, "you are my wife, you should do as I ask." Dream released your chin, and you moved to the windows that looked out upon the Dreaming. You pulled your cloak about you, Dream watching your movements. You turned to face him, "I am your wife and your Queen. I am your equal, and while I am not an Endless, I am a Goddess." Dream appeared in front of you. "This is my affair; you would do well to remember." You reached forwards to cup his cheek, Dream stiffened, and you stopped allowing your hand to hover. "I am not meddling nor intending to meddle in your affairs. I am only intending to help you to be your equal in all things as your wife, your queen, your partner." You dropped your hand and ducked your head. Dream took your hand when you refused to look in his eyes, he used his forefinger and thumb to raise your chin. "You are my equal, more importantly you are my wife. I wish not to lose you." You moved forwards and placed your forehead against his chin, "you will not lose me, Morpheus." He dropped his hand from your chin and wrapped it around your waist pulling you closer.

Fifty odd years later, you had once again meddled in your husband's affairs, this time he was sitting on the steps of his throne room. His cloak spread out on the steps, inky black against the white. "How is it that my own wife cannot listen to me?" You held your hands out, "Morpheus..." He looked up at you, eyes glistening. "I told you to leave it and you still did not listen." You shook your head, "I did not want this to happen, I only wanted you to be safe." Morpheus stood and used his sand to transport you both away from the prying eyes of his throne room.

"Are you going to leave me too?" Sighing you turned, fiddling with the onyx and ruby wedding ring. "I am not going to leave you; I would never leave you. Although may I remind you that you left Hob." Dream's eyes darkened and at once you regretted your words. "Morpheus, I apologise. I should never have said that." Dream raised his hand, "you are banished from the Dreaming, until I call you back, wife." A flash of sand and you were outside his gates. Your heart breaking as they thudded shut. The Guardians turning away from you, their banished Queen. "Morpheus." You whispered his name, and the winds carried it away. Dream felt the way your heart stuttered, and felt you disappear from the Dreaming to hide away in your own realm. Dream's own heart skipped a few beats, he too regretted his own words, your banishment, and his coldness. He resolved to call you back and forget it until then next time his pride was injured. Until then he had a rogue nightmare to deal with. However, he never got the chance. A few days later, Dream was humiliated and captured. The fishbowl he was trapped in suffocating.

Dream of the Endless looked about the fishbowl his was in. He thought of the Dreaming, his realm, his raven but more importantly, he thought of his wife. He thought of the Lady Joy, how she had brought even more joy to the Dreaming. How the dreams were brighter with her around. Dream thought about your banishment from his realm, your realm. He thought about his heartlessness towards his own wife. The way your eyes had watered, how your voice had sounded broken when you had said his name at his gates. He had felt the way your heart had stuttered when he had sent you to the beach. He had wanted to apologize to bring you back to the Dreaming. He had whispered when the basement was empty of Burgess that your banishment was done, and you could enter the Dreaming. He knew it was no use, by his own rules he would have to say it to you.

Death of the Endless had come to visit you after her brother's imprisonment to tell you. Your heart shattered all over again for your sensitive, caring husband who still grieved over his lost child and previous wife. Hoping against hope that after his imprisonment you would be able to enter the Dreaming and be allowed to hold it together so it would be there upon his return. Death had refused to tell you where Dream was, had refused to help him citing Destiny and Dream's own stubbornness. 

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