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It had been a few years since your husband's imprisonment and release, throughout them he had attempted to work on your marriage and being a better king. He had spoken with Cain and Abel about the Goldie and had tried to make up for the death of Gregory. After he had unmade the Corinthian and turned Gault into a dream, he had been more involved in the Dreaming. Morpheus had also attempted to make up for your banishment, there were times, however, when he had fallen back into his old habits. Sometimes he would draw away to cool down to avoid his usual instinct but there were times when he would become glacial with his response. Each time he responded coldly he would regret it almost at once when he saw your flinching reaction. Now he waited for your return from the Waking World, you had been called away to a wedding and by Desire to complete your duties.

Entering the throne room of the Dreaming, you saw your husband sitting on the steps with his long coat spread about him. The inky black standing out against the pale marble. Hazy sunrise lit the room as Claire flew up to meet Matthew. "How was your trip into the Waking World?" Stopping at the foot of the stairs, you caught the meaning behind your husband's question. "At least one was successful, the wedding went the way the bride dreamed it. Although the proposal was not a success in the way he wished, it was interrupted by her lover. The lover put their desires above what was right and her own wishes. The joy was taken from him and replaced with despair." Morpheus looked at you. "Were my siblings there?" You hummed lightly, "Desire was, pulling those strings of theirs. Despair appeared for the young man whose proposal was ruined. With that heartbreak it was difficult to replace that with joy. Despair did leave after a while; seems Desire may have pulled a few strings for the young man." Morpheus looked at you, "does working with Desire please you more than working with me?" You blinked, "what pleases me is to bring joy to the Waking World." You knelt on the step below your husband, he steadied you by wrapping his right arm around your waist and using his left hand to hold your elbow. "It pleases me to bring joy and to see that imparted on the world. It is the dreams created and dance in the people's minds that pleases me most if that is your concern." Morpheus rubbed his thumb in circles on your back, ducking his head. You furrowed your eyebrows. "Has something happened my love?" Morpheus looked back at you, "it concerns me that you are working with my sibling who has been known to meddle in my affairs." Sighing, you leaned forwards and kissed his forehead. "I am the Goddess of Joy and joy can be found in very many things. It is part of my purpose to deal with each of the Endless. People can find joy in following their desire."

"My sibling intends to rob me of my wife." Settling back on your heels, you spoke wanting to get your stubborn husband to see your side of the matter. "Shouldn't my intentions matter more; I intend to do my duty to the Waking Realm and to you." Morpheus used his left hand to brush some hair away from your face. "Then stop your dealings with Desire." Bringing one of your hands up from where they were resting on your husband's knees, you cupped his cheek. "You know I cannot, I must follow my purpose with each of the Endless. People find joy in their Destiny when it has come to pass, when it has been achieved. Some find joy in their Death when they can join their other half in the Sunless Lands. The Dreamers that come to your realm find joy in their dreams when they can slay dragons or simply fly with them. Dreamers find joy when they achieve their dreams. They can find joy in Destruction, the tearing down of old buildings or breaking their siblings' sandcastles. There will always be joy in Desire, when you finally fulfil it. There is joy in Despair because while you break under its sadness of loss you had the chance to know what it was to be with them. Delirium is extreme joy in cases and while I am in the retinue of the Goddess Aphrodite, I must also follow Delirium as she was and still is Delight itself. I am the Goddess of Joy, Mirth, and Good Cheer; I follow the Endless. I am sorry that I can be commanded, for lack of better phrase by your siblings. All I do is follow the whims of the Fates and the strings that are weaved. I love you, Morpheus, Dream of the Endless, I entwined my life with yours when we were wed. I will not leave you or your side." Morpheus rose you both up so you were both standing, his arms fell from your waist. "Unless commanded." You froze, Claire your Sparrow who had been watching with Matthew up on the statue twittered nervously. Eyes widening, the very thing you had feared seemed to be coming true. He had once promised you that you would never again be banished from the Dreaming, however his jealously was sticking like tar to his ribs. He was stuck with Desire's taunting remarks and the slimy words sticking to him. The way they had used his fears of losing you against him once again. You knew that all promises could be taken back and while it was rare that your husband would go back on his. It was not unheard of. Desire's skill at tormenting Morpheus was working its way under his skin. Your mouth was dry, you licked your lips to draw moisture back. "Are you commanding me to leave?"

"Yes." Claire took the air and flew to your shoulder, Matthew following moments later to do the same with Morpheus. "I shall do as you command then, husband." You hoped that he was simply asking you to leave for you both to cool down. Although after being married to your husband for over hundred years and knowing of his pride, your worst fear was that you would once again be banished. "While I cannot banish you from the Dreaming, you cannot stay and may not return until I say otherwise." You gave the smallest nod, barely trusting yourself to speak. "I shall wait in my realm until you need me, husband." Once again you were at the beach in front of the Gates and its Guardians, this time you did not say your husband's name before leaving the Dreaming. Morpheus felt you leave his realm and yours by law. While it had been heart breaking the first time, the second time seemed to almost break him. Matthew seemed to be considering the quip that rested on the tip of his beak, but he did not speak. Morpheus felt his own tears swell and rest on his lower lids. He blinked but did not let them fall.

Back in your small realm, stood in your observatory where Constance met you along with the rest of your sparrows. "Leave me, please." Constance took in your glassy eyed stare and left with the sparrows following behind. "You too Claire." If she could shake her head, she would have. "No, my lady." She took flight and landed on the back of the chair that was in the room so she could face you. "You were only following the commands of the Fates and doing your duty. You must believe that." You nodded, "I do, my sparrow. Please leave me for a moment." She chirped before leaving. You could feel the sorrow and rage building in your chest. You let loose the scream that had been building, and a storm raged outside your stain glass windows. The pounding rain and lighting that thrashed outside matched your rage. Once the scream had been ripped from your throat and you had controlled your breathing once again. The storm outside ceased and became a blustery Autumn Day. "You swore that I could never to be banished again." The cracked whisper left your lips as heaving breaths shook your form as you collapsed to the ground, tears beginning to make their way down your cheeks. Again, you had been somewhat banished by your husband, this time it was not because you had spoken against his pride but rather because of your actions and how you followed your duty.

Calming your breathing so it was less windy for your realm, you stayed seated not wanting to move. As you sat staring out at your realm you felt a presence behind you, "well well if it isn't the darling Goddess of Joy down in despair." Without turning, you greeted your guest. "Desire of the Endless, what brings you to my realm?" There was a clicking as their heels moved against the floor. "I heard you were banished by my hard-hearted brother; I see that it is true." You wiped at your eyes as discreetly as you could before standing and turning to face your guest. "I am in my realm to see my people and assist with anything they may need." They raised their perfectly done eyebrows, "and yet you do not deny it. Shall I command you to tell me?" You straightened your back and stood to your full height. "Desire of the Endless, I follow the orders of the Fates and complete my duties as the Goddess of Joy, Mirth, and Good Cheer. I am one of her Ladyships, the Goddess Aphrodite's Charities with my sisters. While I assist the Endless with their duties, I am not yours to command, I can only assist to the extent of my abilities and those that lay in my purview." Desire raised their eyebrows, knowing smirk on their red stained lips. "My brother commands you." Titling your head, you levelled Desire with a look. "I am his wife, and when within another's realm you follow their wishes and the Laws of Hospitality set forth." Desire leaned forwards, their cat ears twitching and their tail flicking along your arm. Their voice was light and teasing leaving you with a passing quip as they left your realm, "my brother never did like that the rest of us Endless could give you orders." Once Desire had left the remaining control you had waned, and colour faded from your realm. The once joyful colours disappeared and left the world outside became tea stained before fading into shades of grey.

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