Easter Chapter: Easter Espieglerie

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Another day, another adventure, but this time seems different...some of the trees have become pink and egg shaped objects have been appearing everywhere, in buried treasures, deep in the sea, atop the clouds and EVEN at Akursius Keep, and everyone seems to know it save our protagonist Kala Kayaba.

(Context, this is not the Kala in the story presently but a version of him AFTER he gets his first awakening as a Conjurer so that you don't get confused as to why he has Conjurer's Focus which is the ability any Conjurer gets after awakening so just remember that this is Kala in the near future)

Sailing around these seas for a while he notices the very obvious changes to the Bronze Sea, and since he hasn't seen Vera in a while he can't get a straight answer, and Edward seems to be holding out on him, so as he is sailing on a beautiful night he notices something in the water and grabs it quickly before getting back on the ship and giving it a good look.

Kala: "Is this an...egg?" he just looks at it and pokes at it, looking at his crew who are just shrugging like it's normal for them before going back to their duties, since it wasn't save in the open sea he decides to land somewhere, and nearby was the Sailor's Lodge, he and his crew dock and as they unload and get some sealed chests opened he notices a familiar figure in the distance and as he gets closer his eyes widen as he runs into her and hugs her.

Kala: "Vera :D, I haven't seen you in a while, how are ya-" smack

Kala: "Ack-" he stumbles back and hisses in pain again

Vera: she gets up "Do that again and i'll hit harder, but i'm alright you airhead" She helps Kala get up and in a few moments they're sat down on a table laughing and talking about their adventures

Kala: "Wow that's crazy-"

Vera: "I know right? never expected to see that, but anyway, you said you wanted to ask about something right?"

Kala: "Yeah I did, what's going on with the Bronze Sea all of a sudden? some of the trees are pink and I found this egg shaped thing" he takes out the Asteroid Egg he got a while ago and shows it to Vera

Vera: "Well, it's Easter, don't you know that?-"

Kala: "I still have amnesia remember?"

Vera: "Riight, i'll explain it then" she clears her throat

Vera: "We call it the Easter Wave, some of the islands will change slightly like the pink trees and such, but the most important things are the egg shaped objects that we called Easter Eggs, those who have collected them claim that they have gotten some prize after collecting all of the ones that have existed in that year so people usually go around and look for these eggs, and during this time strange books appear in our pockets, something like this" she takes out a book with an easter egg pattern on it and opens the book, most of the egg shaped figures are darkened but about 3 of them are colored "you have one too right?"

Kala: "Let me check..." he scrounges around for a bit and finds the book in question and opens it himself, only one egg is colored, that egg being the Asteroid Egg "Woah...so it's like an encyclopedia of sorts?"

Vera: "Yeah, gods know how these got in our pockets but they help out, they have a small text below each egg on every page that gives us hints on where they are, this one time we climbed the spires back at Redwake and found a very pointy egg up there which was according to the encyclopedia called the Spire Egg"

Kala: "Woah, what happens to the eggs after the end of the easter wave?"

Vera: "People get to keep them and the islands turn back to normal and the eggs stop showing up everywhere, I heard rumors that some eggs hatch but that's a bit preposterous to be honest"

Kala: "I see...hey, if you're not doing anything we can go find these eggs if you want"

Vera: "I mean i'm not busy but i don;t really collect these for fun.."

Kala: "Cmonnnnnn, pleasee?, it'll be fun and it can be the three of us again, you, me and Edward, sound good?"

Vera: "..." she thinks for a bit then sighs before answering "Fiiiine, i'll play along then"

Kala: ":D Yaaaaay! let's go then!" He gets up from his seat and runs to his ship, Vera watches him leave, chuckling a little before getting up herself and following behind him..

Probably will write the rest but for now we just have the intro for the easter event, happy late Easter!

Arcane Odyssey: Adventures of Kala KayabaWhere stories live. Discover now