Prologue 6-7

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(Warning: foul language)

Word count: 1060

"Myaaah!" grim blow fire for the hundredth time.

"Hwaaahhh! We gotta get out of here! Before we get disappeared for good!" The ghost panicked. Can ghosts die twice?

"H-huh? Did we... win?" Grim.exe is loading.

"Good job grim you're incredible!" I compliment grim like my parents never did. 

"Aw, geez, I was scared outta my- I mean, they didn't faze me one bit! Just a walk in the park for a mage of my caliber! Whaddaya got to say now, ghosties? That's right!" Ah yes the bravest little scaredy cat.

"Good evening. In another gesture of my immense kindness, I have brought you dinner. Wait. That's the creature we ejected for causing trouble at orientation! What is it doing here?!" Crowley broke in to my house and is shocked grim is here.

"Takin' care of yer ghost problem, that's what. You're welcome, by the way!" Grim got defensive.

"What is the meaning of this, Yuu? But you know, on that topic, I do seem to recall that this dorm had a mischievous ghost problem. Ah, yes... That's why it was abandoned, in fact. The ghosts scared away all the students. And you're saying that you two joined forces to drive them away?" I'm sorry!? You took me here a person who even if they had magic have no fucking idea how to use it and put the in possibly dangerous ghost house with no warning?!?!??? Hire a fucking Exorcist for god sake!

"Joined forces" ain't exactly how I'd describe it. More like I drove 'em away, and the human watched. And I only did it 'cause I wanted some tuna. Hey... Wait a minute! I never got those cans of tuna ya promised!"  Excuse me!? If I didn't help you aim then you would have burned this place to the ground! Also when the fuck did I promise tuna!? 

"Would you two be so kind as to demonstrate your ghost-eradication methods for me?" Crowley asked ever so fucking politely.

"'One, no, 'cause I already wiped 'em all out. And two, no, 'cause where's my tuna?!" Can I sleep? I will play the part of the ghosts. As for the tuna, you'll receive it when you defeat me. Oh, what generosity, Crowley... Now, to chug this transmutation potion!" Wait hold up I didn't consent-

"Ah, you gotta be kiddin' me. I gotta work together with the human again?" Grim complained. *Sigh* finnnneee.

"Come on grim you might get recognized by the headmaster, " I try to encourage him. God I'm bad at this.

"Hrmph. All right, but this is the last time. And I better be up to my jowls in tuna afterwards!" 

Here we are. I'm using grim as a gun while shooting a ghost version of Crowley...what has my life come to?

"*Pant* *Pant*... Well?" Grim was exhausted after the unnecessary activity.

"Incredible... I've never seen anyone bend a monster to their will quite the way you have. I must confess, my educator's intuition did sense something about you after the brouhaha at orientation, Yuu. I could tell you had a certain animal trainer-y, beast master-ish quality to you. Oh, yes. That said, I... *mumble mumble*" Crowley is making up bullshit as he goes along.

"Sir... could it be possible for grim to stay here?" He is a little menace and I love him.

"WHAT? A monster, stay HERE?" Crowley was utterly baffled by the notion. Well your here.

"Whoa, did you just...?" Grim as well was baffled by this. You better thank me.

"Please sir!" I try me hardest to do puppy dog eyes.

"Hmmm... I suppose I cannot deny your plea. Very well." Crowley agreed. Thank god that was uncomfortable.

"Myah?! Really?" Grim got all excited. Yes really.

"Let me be clear! Under no circumstances would I admit anyone to Night Raven College who has not been selected by the Dark Mirror - especially not a monster! Nor do I intend to allow you, Yuu, to freeload until you're able to return home." Well damn. Am I going to do prostitution?

"Hrmph. Never shoulda got my hopes up..." If you never have expectations you can never be disappointed.

"Now, allow me to explain. It was the Dark Mirror that transported you here. Therefore this school does bear some responsibility for your well-being. So I will allow you to remain in this dorm, free of charge." Hooray no rent!

"However, you will need to pay for your own food, clothing, and incidentals. As to how you will do so, penniless as you are... Ah. Ah ha. Yes, a fine plan."  Uh oh...

"And that is...?" I nervously look at Crowley.

"You needn't seem so alarmed. I'm simply going to ask you to do a few odd jobs around campus. From what you've done here, Yuu, I can tell you know your way around a broom. So what do you say to you two working together as a janitorial team? If you agree to that, I will make a special exception and allow you to remain on campus." Crowley explains. Alright cleaning... I can try.

"I'll also allow you use of the library, so that you may study, and research ways to return home. How soundlessly charitable I am. Ah, but only when your work is over, of course!" Isn't this child labor? Also silently???? And who actually enjoys studying without the feeling of being a good person.

"Whaaat? What kinda deal is that?! I wanna put on one of those sweet uniforms and be a student, not sweep up people's junk!" Grim complained. That or the streets, beggars can't be choosers.

"If you're not satisfied with my offer, I can arrange to have you thrown out again." Crowley threatened. Well grim would probably survive. He is from the woods.

"Myah?! ... All right, fine! Let's do it." Grim begrudgingly agreed. You better help me or I swear-

"Oh please, like I have a choice." I stated. Well death is a choice.

"Wonderful. Then I beseech you both... To work hard as the newest members of the Night Raven College's janitorial staff!" Why is he acting like me becoming a minumon wage employee is like being knighted?

"Hey before you go..." I began. Help.

"Hmm?" Crowley hummed.

"May I have a bit of money to start off?" I try to use puppy eyes again.

"...very well, I will give you a small amount. My aren't I ever so benevolent. Truly a inspiration." Crowley surprisingly agreed. He gives me some before leaving once again. Yay!

(I apologize for grammer or spelling mistakes)

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