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"You said, "forever," and I almost bought it."

Theo was right.

I shouldn't have hidden my feelings from Ace.

Not when I know for a fact he likes me too.

He's pretty.

And kind.

And even when he's being grumpy-pants, he's still kind to Me.

I like him, a lot.

He deserves to know that.

I started looking for him.

First, I went to the cafeteria , but he wasn't there.


He wasn't at his classrooms either.


Suddenly I heard muffled voices from the chemistry lab.

That sounds like Amber.

"Don't you think I look good?"

I walked towards the lab to say 'hi' or something.

But when I saw what was happening, I froze.


That can't be.

She's my friend.

She knows I like him.

She knows I do.

There's no way.

I blinked, trying to see if I was imagining.

I wasn't.

Amber and Ace were kissing.

Her blonde hair was styled in high ponytail, and she wore a black tight shirt.

Her hands were on his neck.

His hands were on her.

I can't see it any Longer.

I can't.

God I'm so dumb.

Why am I always the one who doesn't get the guy.

Have you seen yourself?

I really thought he liked me.

How could you, have you seen him?

Amber is-

Amber is Better, prettier, smarter, she's everything you aren't.

I can't breathe .

I think I'm having a panic attack.


I ran to Lucas's class, they had a free period .

"Lucas." I said, out of breath.

He looked at me, and told his friends to leave.

Lucas looked so, so, worried , "Blair, what-?"

Realization hit him, "it's okay, I'm here, I'm right here, and I'm staying here."

When I raped,  I had a lot of panic attacks, I couldn't breath, I couldn't do anything.

I spent days in the shower .

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