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" Good Morning Jungkook" Jimin said as soon as Jungkook entered the kitchen. As he expected Jungkook didn't replied. " I have made breakfast for you " I said but didn't get any response.

" Where are you going? " Jimin asked when Jungkook suddenly started towards the main door
" None of your business" that's the reply he got.. and Jungkook went...

Jimin scoffed and went to the kitchen and threw away the food without even tasting it..

Time skip

" Wahh Jimin-ah why are you here ? " Hoseok asked as he hugged him " what do you mean can I not come here? " I asked " ofcourse you can but you and Jungkook got married yesterday .it's literally 3-4 Pm " hoseok said " yes Jimin what would Jungkook think " Jin said . They all were in the lounge and Jimin just came and met them when this conversation started " you all should say these things to Jungkook not me " Jimin said as he sat on the chair " what do you mean " yoongi said " well I was bored alone in the house so I cleaned the house and then I came here " Jimin said " where is Jungkook? " Namjoon asked " I don't know he just left early in the morning " Jimin said " what wait let me call him '' taehyung said " how can he just leave like that " Namjoon said . " Waitt taehyung don't call him , leave it maybe he has some important work to do "I said " but he can't leave on the first day of his marriage even if there is something important ".Jin said " please guys I am fine with it , I am not here to discuss about this matter , I came here to meet you all and if you guys want i can leave " Jimin said while they just sighed..

" I am going now it's 8 Jungkook must be home by now " jimin said as he stood " I mean he should be there " Jin said " one more thing please don't call him nor discuss about this topic with him " jimin said while they just nodded , he hugged them and went home .


" Jungkook are you home" I shouted as I entered the home but didn't get any response. I looked everywhere but he wasn't there

Jimin sat on the sofa and dialed Jungkook's number , his phone was ringing but he declined his call . Jimin again called him but he declined again . The third time Jimin called he picked up

On the Phone

" Jungko- "

" What the hell is your problem "

'' Jungkook do you even know what time is it it's about to be 9 , come home now "

" I am not coming right , I will come when I want to and stop disturbing me "

" What the hell where are you ? "

" I don't think you should care where I am ok its my life "

* Call declined *

" Jung-hello " hr looked at the screen . ' Really Jeon Jungkook so this what you will do then fine.'

Jimin went to his bedroom and slept..

4 days later

Jimin POV

" Where are you going? " Jungkook asked , I turned to look at him " why ? Do you care enough about where I go ? " I asked " no !! I am just because the day before yesterday you were outside for whole day and yesterday you came drunk home at 2 AM and now again you are going somewhere " he said
" Ok and ? " I said while putting my shoes on " so I think you should tell where are you going ok " he said while I sighed " I am going out with Kai " I said and went outside

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