Episode 3

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Episode 3

Author's pov:
It's been two hours since Taehyung is unconscious. Mrs Jeon left an hour ago. Jungkook is seated on an armchair staring at Taehyung's unconscious figure, lost in his thoughts thinking about how he failed to see the actual face of taehyung
In these few weeks, he started distancing himself from taehyung. He behaved coldly with him. He was  fighting with his thoughts thinking about whether divorcing taehyung would be a better decision. Can he live without him should he give taehyung a chance to explain? A part of him is not ready to believe taehyung. He just hates him. He was in his deep thoughts when a call gained his attention. He sighed and picked the phone up. He stood up and went out.

Taehyung’s pov:
I slowly regained my consciousness  My head is throbbing as hell I'm back to my sense but I just can't open my eyes I've no power left in me and my body is numb
I tried speaking something but my voice wasn't coming out of me. My throat was sore. I tried to get up but my head was spinning. I'm helpless and I  just hate being helpless. I don't know what happened to me. All I know is that I slept while crying. I don't know what time is it and where Jungkook is. I need him, I want him beside me.

Author's pov:
With a lot of difficulties taehyung got up from the bed his head was still spinning he took slow steps towards the bathroom he was nearly about to fall due to weakness his vision started fading he can merely see anything, everything was dark around him, he gripped the bathroom handle tightly to regain his balance. After a few seconds, he went inside the bathroom. He stood in front of the mirror and watched his reflection. After taking a bath he changed his clothes but still, it couldn't help him to reduce his headache. He was hungry but he had no energy left to go downstairs.
Jungkook pov:
I came back into the room and saw that Taehyung wasn't in bed. He must be awake. Putting my phone on the side table I surged towards the kitchen to bring his dinner he must be hungry

Author's pov :
Taehyung came out of the bathroom and went towards his bed. He lay down  he was still half-unconscious so it didn't took him Time to succumb to deep slumber.

15 minutes later Jungkook came back with dinner and medicines. He put the tray aside and went towards taehyung. He sat beside him
He stare at his pale face he ran his hand through taehyung’s messy hair he gently woke taehyung up 
Taehyung opened his eyes setting his blur vision, he looked at jungkook for a second he thought maybe it was his illusion but reality hit him when jungkook caressed his forehead and cheeks taehyung was still staring at jungkook
Jungkook: "Taehyung get up and eat something, you've to take medicine too," he said, picking up the tray from the side table.
Tae sat straight with his head resting on the headboard. He kept staring at jungkook.
Jungkook placed the tray on taehyung’s lap he motioned for taehyung to eat
Taehyung did as he said but the spoon fell from his hand at this moment tae felt weak, too weak to even feed himself he tried again but he had no control over his shivering hands
Jungkook saw how taehyung was struggling so he took the spoon from taehyung’s hand and start feeding him
Taehyung quietly ate the food while staring at jungkook. Jungkook knew tae was staring at him but he ignored it and kept his expression cold. After he was done feeding tae he made him drink some milk. Tae didn't resist because he had no energy left to even say something. He gave Taehyung some medicine.
Jungkook made taehyung lay on the bed gently. He covered him with a duvet, he turned the lights off and laid beside taehyung keeping a great distance between them.

[Next day]
Jungkook had already left for the office.
Taehyung woke up a bit late
He went to the bathroom to freshen up he didn't leave the room he don't want to go downstairs so he stayed in the room
After some time the maid came with breakfast and medicines with her, as jungkook ordered her to give tae breakfast and medicines when he was up

She left after setting the tray on the bed. After she was gone, Tae had his breakfast and medicines. He set the empty tray on the side table and went towards the dressing table where he sat on the stool in front of the mirror. A tear slipped through his eyes remembering his moments with jungkook

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