Fake dating (JIWOONG)

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Jiwoong and y/n had just gone through terrible breakups with their respective exes. They were seeking comfort in each other's presence as they vented out their frustrations about their past relationships. It was during one of these talks that the idea of starting a fake relationship to make their exes jealous came up.

At first, they both laughed it off as a silly idea, but the more they talked about it, the more it started to sound like a good plan. They figured it would be a win-win situation as they could make their exes jealous and also spend time together without any pressure of starting a real relationship.

So they decided to give it a try. They went on public dates, held hands, and even kissed in front of their exes. It didn't take long before their plan started working, and their exes began showing signs of jealousy.

Little did they know that their fake relationship would turn into something real. As they spent more time together, Jiwoong and y/n realized that they had developed genuine feelings for each other. They tried to ignore these feelings because they were scared of ruining the fake relationship they had created.

But eventually, their true feelings became impossible to ignore, and they decided to have an honest conversation about their relationship. Jiwoong expressed how much he loved spending time with y/n, and y/n admitted that she also had feelings for him.

It was then that they realized that their exes were not the reason they were together. They were together because they genuinely cared for each other.

They began a real relationship that was built on love and honesty, and their exes became a distant memory. Jiwoong and y/n were grateful that their fake relationship had turned into something real, and they knew that they would be happy together for a long time to come.

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