Episode 7: A Bad Fall

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Sally's pov:
"Hey Eddie!" I said with a grin. "What?" He asked looking to me. "I bet I can beat you in a race!" I said as I ran in little circles. "Yeah right!" He said sarcastically

"Where would you guys even race to?" Frank asked looking confused. "Maybe to over there." Poppy said pointing to a birch tree a long way ahead. "That's perfect!" Eddie said with his hands on his hips.

"Then let's race!" I said already running to the tree. "Hey! You got a head start!" I heard Eddie yell as he ran. "You snooze you lose!" I said in full sprint.

"You guys better not fall off some hill!" Poppy called. "They wont." I heard Frank say to Poppy. Half way there I nearly trip but regained my balance.

As I was close to the tree I noticed a very steep hill that almost looked like a straight ledge. "WOAH-" I squealed nearly falling off but thankfully didn't.

As I stopped Eddie was zooming faster then a tiger. "WATCH-" As I tried to warn him he zoomed past me and started tumbling Down the steep hill.

"EDDIE!" It was Frank that yelled Poppy and Frank were running over. We saw as Eddie tumbled and fell he looked like a tumble weed.

I start down the hill after him making sure to not fall as well, Frank started coming down with Poppy shortly after.

I watched as Eddie hit rocks and ledges the sounds of it felt like ice in my spinal cord. I heard a weird noise it sounded like cracking.

Eddie hit the bottom of the hill with a thud.
I got down soon after. He laid face down his wrist looked crooked and bruises already started to form.

Frank ended up tumbling a bit and fell in some alders and Poppy hit some brambles. Eddie didn't seem to move but I heard him groan in pain.

Walking over I place my hand on his back, he winced and twitched. Frank and Poppy ran over to us. "Eddie! Are you alright." Frank asked panicking.

I see as a bit of blood dripped from Eddie's head. "You two move I need to check him!" Poppy said so I moved. Poppy was always careful and seemed to always have a band-aid on hand.

Poppy was like the towns doctor as she knew what to do when someone was hurt. I went over to Frank to calm them down as Poppy checked Eddie.

"Frank I'm so sorry if I didn't suggest racing Eddie he might not have fallen." I place my hand on their back trying to reassure them.
"It's not your fault you couldn't have known." Frank said looking at me.

"He definitely has a twisted knee and a sprained wrist." Poppy said picking Eddie up.
There was a huge gash on his cheek.
"We need to get back quickly or his wrist could get worse.

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