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I guess when you're close to someone for so long

That it starts to feel wrong when you grow apart

But is it really growing apart or growing up?

When does it become too much?

And when is too much not enough?

You know it was so comforting to hold your hand on long car rides

And the way you laughed when I would try and hide

I still think about the times we would play fight

Or go on walks

I miss our late night talks

It just isn't the same anymore

You'll always have a part of my heart

But not like you did before

I guess I'm just sad because

I feel like everyone is leaving

I know you're not gone

But it's only a matter of time

And where do we draw the line?

We talk less and less every day

But what would it take to make you stay?

I know I can be a little too much to handle

I may be a handful

But I care too much about you to lose you

So please don't let me lose you

Because you're all I've got left

And after that, I don't know what's next

I don't want to know what happens next

So don't turn the page

Don't turn the page

Don't turn the

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