Part One

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The weather was glorious, with a hint of humidity that clung to our skin. The wind was soft and gentle, occasionally giving us a refreshing gust of cool air that soothed the tiny droplets of sweat forming on our foreheads.
Under the shade of my grandmother's veranda, we sat comfortably, feeling the coolness of the tiled floor on our bare feet.

It had been a week since we arrived in Guttapiel, and our stay had been nothing short of enchanting. We were surrounded by family and locals, all of whom welcomed us with open arms.
However, tomorrow we would have to say goodbye to this wonderful place and my dear grandmother.
We were headed to Jaiuelo, a small island that Damla had been raving about. But right now, the thought of leaving grandma made me feel a little sad.

I looked over at Granya, thinking about how we would be leaving tomorrow. She sensed my emotions and pulled me towards her, enveloping me in a warm and loving embrace.
We call her Granya, which meant wise soul. It was a fitting name for her, given her wise, kind, and loving character.
Even at the age of 89, she was still able to host us and make us feel welcome in her little villa.
My aunt, two uncles, and their children lived with her, keeping her company in the spacious villa.

As we sat on the veranda, sipping on chilled lemonade and munching on my grandmother's delectable fruit salad pudding, we could hear the sound of children's laughter and cheers echoing in the background.
They were enjoying the beautiful weather and each other's company, and it was a joyful sound that filled the air.
"Wow, this fruit pudding is incredible," exclaimed Marra, taking another bite. "What's in it?"
"Oh, just some seasonal fruits I picked up from the market this morning," replied grandma, the host of the gathering. "I'm glad you all like it."
As we ate, we chatted about everything under the sun - work, family, hobbies, and our plans for the next two weeks. Suddenly, I drifted off into reverie, lost in thought and memories.
"Seriously, she is always daydreaming, Granya, even at work," interjected Marra, noticing my far-off gaze.
I snapped out of my reverie and replied, "What? I was just reminiscing and soaking up this pleasant energy. I was just remembering the old days, when we were kids and used to play house all day long."

They all giggled, their focus on me as I looked up at them, a smile framing my lips.
"That's so sweet," said grandma, with an endearing smile. "Do you remember how you used to make little dishes for your supposed hungry babies using empty tuna cans?"
Everyone burst out laughing at the memory. "I wanted to be like Granya," I replied, smiling and shaking my head. "I used to steal some groceries from Granya's pantry to make them," I retorted. "But it is worth it. She makes delicious meals for us now," Damla added with a proud grin.

As we reminisced, the sound of children's laughter grew louder. Suddenly, a group of kids burst onto the veranda, chasing each other and giggling.
"Granya, can we have some of the fruit pudding?" asked Aunt Sarah's daughter, pointing to the bowl.
"Of course, sweetie," said Granya, with a smile. "Dig in."
The kids eagerly took their share of the fruit salad, adding to the joyous atmosphere. We all continued our conversations, enjoying the evening breeze. The evening continued on, filled with laughter and joy.

In that moment, I realized that life is not just about the big moments, but also the little ones that we share with the people we love. These simple pleasures are what make life meaningful and memorable, and we will will always treasure these heartwarming moments with grandma and our family.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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