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The cold cement room was lit by three lights. A heavy metal door was in the corner of the cold room. A young man was handcuffed and chained to a metal bench and his head hung down with his fingers entwined. He was deep in thought trying to remember something. Hours passed until a man in a black trench coat walked into the room, the young man lifted his head up to look at the man he saw that was wearing an eye patch. "I apologize for the restraints. It's for precaution." The man said. The young man scoffed, "What kind of precaution?" The man didn't answer the question, he avoided it. The man was holding a file and he was looking through it. The man said, "The name's Nick Fury. Do you know who you are?" The young man was silent for a while until he said, "Quentin. Quentin Evergreen." Nick Fury nodded at the file in his hands and tossed it onto the bench next to Quentin. "That's strange, you're supposed to be dead." Quentin said, "Sorry to disappoint." Nick Fury said, "Do you know what year it is?" Quentin thought for a while and said, "1944." Nick Fury said, "Son, it's 2011."

Quentin looked up in shock trying to process everything he was told. "We found you in an Isolation chamber a few days ago. Someone has been keeping you there for 67 years." "An Isolation chamber?" Quentin said, looking down at his restrained hands. Nick Fury said, "We found you a few clicks off the coast of Florida. A contact told me that some strange energy source was coming from the coast." "And that energy source was coming from me?" Quentin asked, not looking up. "Scientists were in there, but they were all dead." Nick said, "How?" Quentin asked. Nick Fury said, "We don't know. You were the only one alive and in your capsule." Quentin took a deep breath then exhaled slowly taking everything in. "We don't know what their plans for you were, but would you happen to know why they keep you?" Fury asked. "How would I know? It's like you said I just woke up." Quentin said standing up, easily breaking the restraints off. Quentin was surprised at his increased strength. Fury didn't react, but it didn't stop from two agents pulling out their pistols and aiming them at Quentin. Two other agents followed, a middle- aged man with a bow strapped to his back and a young red-head woman with a pistol in each hand with the holsters on her waist. Fury raised his hand and eased the agents, ordering them to lower their weapons, Quentin looked at his hands in astonishment; he did remember how he got his increased strength.

"Precaution like I said." Nick said, he looked to his agents and said, "Leave us." They obeyed and started to leave, Fury looked at the last two and said, "Barton, Romanoff. You two stay." Romanoff and Barton stood next to Nick Fury as they started at Quentin. Quentin calmed himself down and sat back down on the bench, rubbing his free hands on his face. "You're special, Quentin. And for whatever reason you were kept on the coast of Florida." Nick said, "So I'm some experiment Quentin said angrily "Some kind of project that they were working on." "Not to us." Fury said. Quentin just rolled his eyes. Fury continued, "Who knows? Someone else would've found you and used you for their gain in a much sinister way. We want you to serve a greater purpose, one you grow up knowing about." Quentin smirked and said, "Did you forget that I just barely woke up?" Fury sighed, remembering that Quentin has been asleep for 67 years. "Poor choice of words, sorry." "So what's this purpose?" Quentin asked. "As you know people believe you are dead, but we know you are a great man. Quentin, I want you to be a part of S.H.I.E.L.D." Quentin said, "You want a 25 year old man to help you do whatever you do?" Remembering his age before his Isolation. "What are you exactly?" Quentin asked. "An agency founded under one principle: protection. Protecting people, the planet, and the greater good." Fury explained. Quentin sighed thinking of his current situation. He was in a new timeline and a new world. He had no idea what was outside the wall of the room he was in. He would be alone. At least with Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D he could find some form of solace. Quentin feigned a smile, "Well. I'm going to need some help to catch up to the current times. I can pretty much assume all my past friends are dead, so it would be nice to make some new ones." "We'll make sure you're integrated well enough." Ron chimed in. Quentin gave her a lopsided smile and was grateful that someone other than Nick Fury had spoken to him. Quentin let out a long breath and looked back down at the floor.

In Nick Fury's office he was sitting behind his desk and typed into his computer. He had files of Quentin Evergreen up on his screen, but on other tabs where results from his blood tests. Fury looked at the limited information that was about Quentin. Quentin was indeed special but couldn't figure out why. Suddenly Natasha Romanoff walked into the room Fury quietly closed off all the tabs. He awaited the young agent to approach his desk. "Romanoff. How's our time-misplaced friend doing?" Fury asked. "We got him settled in. You should have seen his expression on his face when he saw the flat-screen TV." Natasha said, folding her arms. "A lot of things are going to be a shock to him." Fury started "Barton's will be taking time out of his day tomorrow to show him around D.C. That's unusually nice of him." Romanoff folded her arms and said, "He's expecting a bonus." Fury chuckled, "Now I know why." There was a pause before Natasha said, "So.....all that talk about him being special and stuff? Were you just buttering him up or did you mean it?" Fury gave her a slight nod before replying, "I did." "Just because of how easily he broke out those cuffs?" She asked. "There's more than meets the eye, Romanoff. I know he's hiding something and I'm going to find out what it is, even if he doesn't know what it is. But I'm sure under the watchful eye of you and Barton he'll be just fine." "We are on babysitting duty, now?" She smiled as she stopped by the door. "Consider it mentorship for the time being. Maybe Quentin is a fast learner." He replied. "You better pray he is. Because our school of hard-knocks is underway." She said, smirking, walking out.

Fury watched her leave, then he went back to his computer. Back to Quentin's file, he continued typing into it. Afterwards he opened another tab containing Clint Barton's and Natasha Romanoff's file and added Quentin to it two more names where on the pending side of it Bruce Banner and Thor Odinson. The filename......The Avengers Initiative.

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