Can objects have babies?

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I am not 100% sure that Fiery is Fiery Jr's dad or not, but i am at least 90% sure, beacose i mean come on it's obvious why.
Anyways if Fiery is Fiery Jr's father then that brings up a few questions, one of them being "Can objects have babies?" and another more specific question "Can objects get pregnant?".

"Where do Objects/Algebraliens come from or how are they made?" Is also preaty significant question, but I will talk about it later, for now let's focus on the first two questions.

So there are some possibilities here:
1) objects can have sex and get pregnant and give birth/lay eggs to make more objects.
2) objects can't have sex to make babies, and new or baby objects are made in a different way that we don't know about. Or in asexual ways like for exame budding in some exceptions.

Now this may not work for moust other objects but for Fiery and Fiery Junior this next ideea will work perfectly. What if Fiery asexualy reproduced and made Fiery Jr. through the biological (idk how biological it is in this situation since we are talking about fire here but y'know what I mean) process called "budding" ? (but probably faster and/or less visible then ussual) I mean the concept of budding to reproduce would logicaly only work with a few objects, Fiery happens to be included and be the only one with a "Junior" version of himself.

I will edit this theory and update it but right now this is all you get.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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