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Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction that may be based off of real life events of the author.

Trapped, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, all alone. They backed me into the corner, they closed in on me until I had nowhere to run,

Beep, beep, beep

Curse those dreadful alarm-bees and they're annoying ringing....


My eyes fluttered open and for a second, I just sat there, wide-eyed, processing what mom had just said. 

Hi, I'm Gracelynn River Murphy, you probably already know that because of my mom, Raina Smith Murphy. And I will probably be in big trouble if I am not out of PJs in about 2 minutes. I see you've met my mom, Raina Smith Murphy. She runs a tight ship and is always on a tight schedule. 

My parents have always been a bit edgy ever since dad got that new job, that involved traveling around the world. So, my parents got divorced two months ago so now, it's just me with either one of them. If you have a dog, you know they LOVE exploring new things, mostly by biting/smelling/slobbering all over the object/person, but it's usually a chew-toy. That's how I feel right now and ever since two months ago, like a human chew-toy. 

But, now is not the time to feel that way because I should be getting dressed or we will miss our flight to Gravity Falls, Oregon where I will be spending the rest of my life in with my Aunt Megan and her family. As I have explained this to you, I have already brushed my teeth, gotten dressed, (black t-shirt, ripped jeans, nylon socks, black beanie, sky-blue windbreaker), combed my mess of long, dark brown hair and re-made my bed(I'm practically an expert on making and remaking my bed cuz we move around a lot).

I went downstairs when I saw mom pacing around the kitchen on her phone, 

"What do you mean the book-signing is canceled? I can't reschedule NOW?!??"

Sheesh, way to start a morning mom. Did I mention my mom is an author? And has to go to multiple book signings? Yep, that's one more reason why she needs to be so strict with her how she and I spend her time. This is yet another reason why both my parents believe that I should live with Aunt Megan, I should be able to have more freedom than "follow my parents' schedules and do whatever they do for my whole entire life"! Wouldn't that be fun though? (That was sarcasm is you couldn't tell)

I drank my glass of orange juice and ate my soggy pancakes (mom isn't the best cook) that mom had made earlier while listening to her conversation with...who knows who's on the other side of that phone,

"No, YOU'RE the one who doesn't understand! I have a life beyond my books you know!"

*indistinct chatter on the other side of the phone*

"Umm, I guess that would work but, you're going to pay for it"

*indistinct chatter on the other side of the phone*

"What do you mean you won't pay?"

*more indistinct chatter*

"Oh, umm, ok, yep, first class, we'll split the cost 50/50"


"Yeah, bye."

By the time she finished the conversation, I was already done with my pancakes and ready to head out the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?", my mom asked.

I shook my head.

"Umm, helloooo, you need your suitcases?"

I facepalmed, made a mental note never to do that again cuz OW- and ran up the stairs to get my suitcases.

My mom stifled a smirk as I ran up to get them.

When I came back downstairs, I saw my mom texting someone, frowning.

She looked up as I reached the last step and said,

"Hey, listen, you know that book signing that was scheduled for after I dropped you off? That got moved to the time that you're flight leaves. I can't be in two places at once so, you're going to have to go to the airport by yourself. I've called a taxi that should be there any second,",as mom talked, my shoulders slumped and I looked at the floor. Noticing this, mom asked, "Hey, what's wrong?"


My mom had gone white and I realized what I had just said, "Mom, I'm-"

"Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry.", she said in a flat voice.

Honk honk

And that was my cue to leave. 


At the airport, 5 minutes before take off....

Thank god school's out for the summer or I would be doing schoolwork right now, one more thing you should know about me is that I don't have the best experiences with school. Sometimes I get mobbed, sometimes I get avoided but one thing that consistently happens is getting labeled. Labels are the worst. Sometimes I get labeled Nerdy Kid for reading and because my mom is an author but other times I get labeled as Snobby Rich Daughter of a Famous Author. Labels prevent people from being who they truly are and I value my freedom so, don't EVER put me in a cage or even THINK about it.

As I gazed out the window, a kind-of-cute-boy and a noisy girl, about my age, maybe a little younger, sat in the seats next to me. The boy had curly brown hair and was wearing a navy-blue vest, orange t-shirt, gray shorts, white socks and sneakers. The girl was dressed for different weather with her pink headband that matched her shooting star sweater, purple shorts, white socks and sneakers.

Sorry to cut this off here but, I'm sure you know who the boy and the girl are, right? If you do, type your guess in the comments. If you like this story so far, plz follow me or at least vote this story. But before I continue this story, I would like to ask if YOU would like me to continue, could you comment if you want to read more? 

All the best,


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