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This fic is open for adoption cause I don't have the time to write it

Basic Plotline:
- Follows through the Blue lock plot very closely but more focused on the interaction outside the canon
- MC is a pro athlete with master degree in sport (nutrition, injuries, training etc). I want her to be the main catalyst of the main crew growing stronger physically
- she can literally analyses how to effectively grow the best muscle for each blue lock boys
- there will be romance but its just the sauces. Oh and she is 19 so she wont be jailed lmao
- One of the scene I imagined is how the only gateway for her training method is to actually ask her for it. She view herself as a pawn in Ego mind games, but a pawn that's moveable only by the hands of others
- I can see her being one of the main reason Kunigami got such a crazy status after wildcard

Honestly I see this as more of either a one-shot, or drabblefic

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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