~•♡[ Intro ]♡•~

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The cold breeze of the wind brush across my skin. The surroundings were fogged with white snow at the point where you can't even make out whatever is in front of you.


That way..No one would notice anything..


The crimson slip into the crunching snow under. Sometimes I ask myself..is doing what the Tsaritsa orders really worth it? But then again, I have no right whatsoever. This is the only way I can stay living..

The body of my former acquaintance vanished into dust as their last breath left their body. Being in the Fatui has it's fair share of rules. Your whole existence is devoted to her majesty,not anyone else, not anything else.

If you are caught breaking one of these rules, your fate has been decided. The punishment can go from insanity to as far as continues torture from the Tsaritsa herself.

Even now, being killed by your own comrade would be considered "getting the easy way". I myself had wondered what they could've done to deserve such punishment but such things are not my business.


Loud muffled immediately died down as the door was opened. Slowly walking towards her own mattress, she plopped down onto the not-so-soft sheets.

It was not surprising, after all, she's only a normal agent. Not one of those high ranking ones. All of these thoughts are worthless. If fate were to let her be better, it will.


“Congratulations, recruiter (name)!

For her majesty, has granted you to become the 11th Harbinger's assistant. Please pack all of your belongings and wait in front of the building for a carriage.

- Liutenant Viktor



•♡Sapphire Tears • Platonic♡•♡ Tartaglia x Fem! Reader ♡•Where stories live. Discover now