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"Hey there, comrade!"

I regret this.The 11th of the Fatui Harbinger, 'Childe' was a ginger. I hate gingers. Both food and people.

"Well, well now..no need to be so tense!"

"Apologies, the presence of a harbinger so close to me is overwhelming.."

"C'mon now, I'm the weakest harbinger, there's no need to be afraid, comrade!"

Please stop saying comrade and grow up as a person. I am supposed to be your assistant. Not that I'm complaining that I have a friendly boss, but you're making it hard for me to respect you.

"I'll take note of that.."

Knock knock!

Thank you ,oh your majesty for giving me freedom from this abomination of a hell hole!

"I am here to deliver assistant (y/n)'s packings"

What sin have I done to deserve such punishm- DON'T OPEN THE D-

"Hey there! Thank you so much for your help. You may leave now. "

"R-right away, my harbinger!"

I can never get used to this atmosphere..


"Being promoted from a recruit all the way to a harbinger assistant is impressive! I would like to test your skill to see if you really live up to-"

"Are you sure you're not just doing this because you want someone to fight? "

"Well...that's half true, but it's still a test if you think about it!"

No wonder this guy's tittle is child with an e.

"Well then, I accept your duel, my harbinger. "


"Interesting..so you're kinda like a mix of a pyro agent and an electrohammer vanguard, aye? Didn't know the kinds of you exist.. "

"Situations like these will only happens if required. Since I got an electro vision while training as a pyro agent, her majesty ordered for a custom made weapon to be given to me"

"Sooo..does that make you an electroscythe agent? Haha, get it cause-"

"With all due respect,please grow up and change as a person, sir"


Knock knock!

"Hey, (y/n)! How are you feeling? You were quite bruised during our duel yesterday! I'm sorry if I hit you too hard! "

Bruised? I was bleeding from head to toe! Is this man serious right now?

"No need to apologize..it WAS a duel after all. I'll leave after getting ready"

"If you say so! See you later, comrade! "

I hate gingers.


No hate to gingers btw<33

•♡Sapphire Tears • Platonic♡•♡ Tartaglia x Fem! Reader ♡•Where stories live. Discover now