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"Hello Ms. Smith." My OBGYN doctor; Christian said with a big smile on her face.

"Hello Dr. Christian, how are you?" I sat on the table while Mathew stood beside me.

"And you must be the dad. I'm Dr. Christian." She held out her hand and Mathew took it.

"Mathew." He smiled from ear-to-ear. I guess hearing someone assume that he's the father makes him happy. Truthfully, when this baby comes out Mathew would be considered a dad the baby. He's been there for me and doing daddy duties like coming with me to my appointments and tolerating my mood swings.
This baby would have two fathers or one if De'quan keep acting like a dumb ass.

"Okay, let's see the little one." Dr. Christian stood up from her chair and walk to her equipment. I laid on the table and moved my shirt up over my stomach. I'm getting bigger and eating more, which is crazy because I eat more and throw up. If I don't eat, I get cranky and mean. Also my hormones are everywhere, which means I'm very moody and sexual. I think Mathew is starting to hate the moody part, but loves the sexual part. (Of course.)

Dr. Christian put the gel like substance on my stomach and put the wand on it before moving it around. I looked at the screen and saw mostly black and white, but in the middle was my baby that is the size of a cherry.

"There it is." She said. "You're 9 weeks pregnant. Do you want a photo?"

"Two please." I said. Mathew looked down at me with a questionable look.

"Okay." she typed some stuff into the computer before the printer made copies of the baby. "Here you go" she handed Mathew the photos and me a baby wipe. "Have a nice day."

"You too." I said. She walked out the room while closing the door behind her. I wiped my stomach before sitting up and pulling down my shirt.

"Why do we need two photos?" Mathew asked.

I hop off the table. "De'quan needs one too."

His jaw clenched. "He doesn't deserve one."

I sighed. "He's still the father of this baby Mathew. This is his first child and I don't want this baby to be away from her blood father."

Mathew huffed. "Whatever, let's go." He walked out the room with me trailing behind him. Compared to my short legs and his long legs; one step for him is like two steps for me. So trying to catch up with him required me to jog and hold his hand to keep up.

"Can you slow down?" I said.

"Can you catch up?"

I huffed and stopped in my tracks which made him get yanked back. "Nia, where in the middle of the street."

I shrugged. "I don't care, tell me why you have an attitude."

He shook his head. "I don't have an attitude." He tried to walk away, but I pulled him back.

"Yes you do."

He rubbed his face and the back of his neck with the hand I was not holding. "Can we talk some where else? Some where we won't get ran over."

"Tell me now!" We looked at each other, testing if one of us will crack.

A car horn went upon our silence. "Let's go!" Mathew ordered.

I was about to say something but the person kept hitting that annoying horn. I let go of Mathew hand and turn to the car. "Stop hitting that fucking horn! We get it, it works! You're so f- Ahh!" Mathew picked me up over his shoulder and walked me all the way to the car.
"Put me down, Ughh." I beat on his back and kicked my legs. "Mathew put me down now!"
I felt a sting on my right buttock and a hand cuffing my left. "Get your hands off my ass."

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