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Hey folks! It's me. Hopefully there aren't too many of you mad at me that this isn't the next chapter, but there are currently... 13 reads on this story, the majority of them on the first chapter (I know for a fact that some of them are mine, checking to see how it looked from reader perspective). That's like, 10 of you, max, so I can probably take you all in a fight (haha joking, I'm weak).

Anyway, the story's being taken down.

Don't panic! Obviously, if you're reading it, it's still here, so being taken down isn't really the truth. But the point is, Chapter 8 won't be coming out next week, or the week after, or probably for the next several months. Halfway through writing this week's chapter, inspiration struck and I had a moment of epiphany about what I want this story to be. Which is a lot different. I'm not happy with most of the chapters (because I'm a perfectionist and hard on myself), but I'm also not happy with the plot, which was kind of being made up as I went, so the characters weren't developed, I wasn't able to plant the clues at the beginning that every good story has, I didn't know where I was going, all that jazz.  You know how it is.

So Scylla House is going away for a while  -- or not being updated -- while I work on getting the revamp ready. I don't know how long that will take, I don't have a good time estimate, and my summer schedule is... yet to be determined, so I have no idea how much time I'll even have to work on it. In short, no time frame.

Needless to say -- I hope this is needless to say -- I will still be around! I'll still answer comments, stuff like that. I will not be answering questions about what changes the new Scylla is going to have, but I'm open to any others!

Anyway, I'm really excited for what this new story is going to bring, and I hope you all read it when it comes out!


Kayden :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2023 ⏰

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