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it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

micheal bublé

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

everywhere we go

✩‧₊˚. ⋆˚ ༘

"Hey, you're back late," said Mars, looking around from her chair by the fire, "what's up?"

It was five minutes later, and Malfoy and I had just arrived back in the common room.

"Missed curfew," I said, going to sit down by the fire.

"Are you okay?" asked Mars, looking at me in a concerned sort of way, "You look a little out of it."

"Oh, I'm fine," I said, "close call with Filch."

"You almost had us fucking caught, Eve," said Malfoy, his grey eyes cold and full of dislike.

I seemed to come back to myself a little, and raised my eyebrows at him, "Oh yeah? So much for all your 'I never said I cared about getting caught' bullshit."

"I'm going to bed," Malfoy left without another word.

He climbed the spiral staircase and out of sight. Mars held out the packet of Malacar's. "Want a little remedy?"

I sighed and leaned forward for the box, "Why not," I said, tipping the last roll out of the box, "do you know if Fred and George have any more boxes? Whilst I'm still working with Malfoy I'm gonna need more."

Mars laughed. "Probably," she said, "they don't like selling them to anyone; afraid they'll get caught, see. They trust us."

"So how's the potions coming along?" she asked, smirking.

"It's slowly becoming my least favourite subject." I grumbled. "The grades are good, but these library hours are fucking unbearable. Malfoy and I can't work together, it's impossible."

Mars nodded and scoffed. "What the fuck was Snape thinking? It's like throwing a Norwegian Ridgeback and a Hungarian Horntail into the same cage," she said.

"What about you and Wera?" I asked.
"Pretty well," said Mars, "we work well together of course, but Snape refuses to mark us above seventy percent. You're lucky he likes you, Rain."

I smiled. "I don't know if he does like me anymore, I mean, what was he thinking, pairing me up with fucking Malfoy?"

Mars and I laughed, and I drifted off into a stupor, watching the orange flames dancing in the grate.

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The lead up to Christmas brought end of term exams and seasonal depression. Although our common room was situated under the Black Lake, and therefore I didn't spend much time looking out at the grounds, sitting in Wednesday's last period charms class and watching the sky turn dark outside made me feel thoroughly miserable.

Spirits were also low after the gryffindor vs hufflepuff quidditch match - the gryffindors were wallowing in their misery, and even Cedric Diggory looked slightly guilty.

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