☆flying to germany☆

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i woke up before all the guys and went to get ready after i was done i saw that they all had already left my room i knew they were eating breackfast downstairs i didnt want to disturb them and i really wasnt that hungry so i just started to pack all of my stuff i keep thinking this over and over again and its even getting annoying but it still feels like a dream who would have ever thought this could happen i took everything out of my room even some family photos yea they werent the best parents but still i knew i loved and would miss them and school wouldnt be a problem because i would just go online and not have to wory about a thing
i went downstairs after packing and saw the boys and my mom sitting at the table eating she made my fav we all shared some stories and loughed and genuenly had a great time
when it was time to leave to the airport i said goodbye to my mom i even has tears in my eyes i never knew i would have if i left its something you never realize untill it genuinely happens but i guess we all have to move on to live our own lives at some point
when we got to the airport i was even more stunned because i found out we were flying on a private jet that must cost a fortune but what can i say they were famous for them its probably an everyday thing unlike me
we got on bill sat alone spreading across the two seats in the front georg and gustav were sitting together also at the front while me and tom sat at the very back he had his arm around my shoulder while i was comfortably laying on him we were sharing our life experiences and just having a great time it felt so right and so sweet just sharing this moment with him i dont know how to even explain it the flight attendant brought us some strawberries it was just so adorable we were goofing around feeding them to eachother i cant even count how many times he kissed me he always had this stare on his face staring me right in my eyes while playing with his lip pearcing i tried to hard not to scream and fangirl over that
after some time we let our seats down to pretty much make a bed i was laying pretty much on him he was rubbing my back and with his other hand playing with my hair he kissed the top of my head i put my head up smiling at him and he pulled me in for another kiss it felt so magical like a scene form a movie while laying my head on his chest i coukd hear his heartbeat it was just so calming i fell asleep to the sound of it and the way he softly played with my hair and gave mead massages just running his fingers through each strand  it felt so comforting
he was known for hooking up with many girls for one night and just leaving but this wasnt it this was way more than that but we werent even dating so i cant say we are someting more right now i dont even know him that well to call him my friend ive known him for now 3days personally but i guess only time will tell what will happen

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