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ahhh i am so sorry for not updatingg the story i know how frustrating that may bee i was just soo cought up with exams and graduation soo i completely forgot about this but now im back :)
today the band started to practice for their concert soo i knew we wont have that much time to hang out but i knew it was going to be okay
my parents were checking up on me constantly and i always had nothing else but good news to tell them
my parents said that this is the so called "honeymoon phase" of anu relationship because they thought we were gonna start fighting soon but i reasured them that nothing like that would happen beacuse of how close we are and i always had the boys by my side well i think its pretty normal for my parents to worry because its obvious im far away from them living with 4 boys but i think everything will be okay however one thing they said was stuck in my head and wouldn't leave
"no one knows about you and tom what if its just temporary you cant know how long this will last and you arent even officially together to begin"
this struck me somewhere it hurt being abandoned and left behind like nothing was one of my biggest fears i couldnt stop thinking about what they said what if they were right i was just a temporary girl just like most and he just kept me around because the others liked me but i dont think he would do that...

tom kaulitz x y/n <3Where stories live. Discover now