Chapter 7

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CHAPTER 7: Natalie stared at herself in the mirror, unbelieving of the girl she saw staring back at her. She wore a blood red Calvin Klein dress, her hair down around her shoulders with diamond stud earrings. It was simple, but elegant and she couldn't believe that this was her. She pulled on some nude pumps and sighed heavily as she felt the weight of the world on her shoulders.

 She didn't want to go and force a smile for people that were probably hard-core criminals, murderers. She had no doubt that's the type of people that would be there and it scared her.

 She didn't know if something were to happen that Giovanni would protect her, because she was something that he could afford to lose.

 Sure, he needed her to be his personal incubator, but she was sure he could find someone better...Right? Natalie turned and walked out of the room and down the hallways to the large spiral staircase.

She stopped at the top, her breath lodging in her throat.

Giovanni stood at the bottom wearing a beautiful black tux with a simple black tie.

He looked breathtaking.

She tried to calm herself and the raging wave of desire that had her squirming as she set a hand on the twirling railing as she began to slowly make her way down the stairs.

Giovanni's eyes never left hers and he couldn't believe how beautiful she was. Natalie could hear music playing loudly and was surprised she could hear it over the pounding of her heart in her ears. She noticed, barely, that it was 'Crazy in Love (2014 Remix) by Beyonce' as she finally stopped at the last stair and was left staring into darkening blue eyes.

She could tell that he was trying to put a hard and cold exterior but was failing with the lust that shone brightly and hot in his eyes. She saw him swallow as he inclined his head.

 "You look...magnificent, mi amour." He murmured and she blushed.

"You look good, too." She managed and saw his lips curl, but not even a moment later it was gone and his lips were set in a hard line as he stared down at her, his eyes having gone cold.

He gripped her neck tightly and she yelped with shock.

"Two things. First, you don't speak unless spoken too. Second, you are mine. Miniera, and I don't share. Any male smiles at you and I will pull out his teeth and make you watch." He murmured in a silky dark voice.

His voice washed over her like warm heated honey and she had to stop the warmth that pooled even as disgust and fear raced through her with his horrible words. She swallowed hard, made herself meet his cold eyes before she gave a nod, glaring.

He smiled slowly and let her go only to take her by the waist and pull her close to his side.

They walked into the large ballroom and she had to stifle a gasp at the beauty before her. Ivory marble floors with swirls of grey, big glass windows that were draped with midnight blue velvet curtains that dusted the floors.

 Music played throughout the room, along with the light murmur of conversation and the 'ting' of champagne glasses. They went through the room and she did as she was told, much to her anger and dismay. She felt as if she was on display and she hated the cold and greedy eyes she felt on her.

She felt the malevolence of each person in the room and couldn't even begin to imagine the horrible things these people had done in their lifetimes.

 Much to her surprise, when Giovanni handed her a glass she saw he was enjoying this as much as she was. His jaw was clenched and she could tell he was holding back a sneer of disgust. That didn't stop him from sending her belittling glances and hard stares.

Mia, Mine #sytycw15 #RomanticSuspense Book 1Where stories live. Discover now