Chapter 27

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This chapter does have some swearing in it. Just warning you!! Enjoy! XX, Love, Hannah <3


CHAPTER 27: Natalie took in deep calming breaths as her heart strummed harshly against her ribcage as if wanting and fighting to get out. The hotel her mother was staying at was minutes away and she couldn't deny the large ball of anxiety that tightened her chest at the thought of seeing her mother again.

She wasn't alone. Giovanni had insisted that she have guards with her and so she had 5 big and burly men caging her in, their eyes taking everything in with caution and awareness. She knew how nervous Giovanni was because of her psycho father wanting to kill her and she bet it took a lot of him to finally insist she go out of their safety zone to make amends with her mother.

Slowly, as she thought of Giovanni the anxiety lessened slightly so it was just a constant hum in her chest.

She thought of how he had thanked her for going to see her mother after dinner and a blush claimed her cheeks. She looked down at her lilac colored sundress and hoped she didn't look to dressy, but then admonished herself. This was her mother she was going to see for gods sake.

She had cleaned the vomit from her mother numerous times and she was worried that she was overdressed?

No. Everything is fine, she told herself.

That thought shriveled up like a scared bird shrinking away from a hungry cat as they pulled to a stop.

They were here.

Of course the one time she actually never wants to reach her destination they get their within what felt like seconds, she thought with a snort. The two men that had been sitting in the front turned off the ignition and gracefully pulled themselves out of their seats, the two men flanking Natalie doing the same a moment. Her breath became faster and tears stung her eyes as her anxiety heightened to the point it stole her breath.

In, out, she told herself but could barely hear her inner voice because of the roaring in her ears.

"Miss?" One guard asked and she swallowed hard.

"Just a moment!" she said her voice coming out harsh in her state of panic.

She didn't even have the mind to apologize as thoughts assailed her. What if her mother didn't want to see her anymore? What if she was passed out drunk? Had she been lying when she said to come any other time?

Natalie licked dry lips and climbed into the front driver's seat, her knees trembling slightly as she sat and demanded the keys.

They were in her hand a moment later, shockingly cold against her clammy palm. She turned on the car and stuck her face in front of the air condition vents as her heart beat a mile a minute in her chest. She couldn't do this.

Why had she thought she would be able to do this in the first place?!

Her stomach rolled and she focused on the soft cool kiss of the air blowing against her face.

A ding from her phone had her jumping and smacking her forehead against the visor. With slightly shaky and fumbling hands she looked at her phone.

One text from Giovanni.

Her racing heart slowed slightly as she let herself relax against the car seat.

I am so very proud of you, mi amor. Please let me know how it goes and call me as soon as you can. I love you with all my heart. -G.

Mia, Mine #sytycw15 #RomanticSuspense Book 1Where stories live. Discover now