The Battle Part 2

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"Treachery! They shot him!" Lord Sosepian yelled as the general rode back to their men "They murdered our king!"

"Be ready!" Percy yells at the archers and leo takes out the new hammer he made

"Be ready!" Percy yells at the archers and leo takes out the new hammer he made

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" Lord of the Rings baby," Leo said as the tip lights on fire

"Percy!" Caspain yelled as they all turn back to see a lord about to attack but Peter blocks the sword attack and kills the lord slicing his neck

"Thanks, Goldie," Percy said "Go!" Caspian got on his horse and went to the arm underground

"To arms, Telmar!To arms!"The general cries out as the army cheers. Percy sees machines about to toss heavy boulders at them and immediately opens her satchel and creates a huge water which rises to knock out the falling stone from hitting them or the army.

Cavalry! Attack" the general yelled as the telmarnies charged the Narnians.

"Archers to the ready!!" Susan yelled at all the archers to draw their bows.

Caspain and the centaur leader rode inside the How to the Second hidden army and the skeletons

"Narnians! Charge!" Caspian said leading them to position

"One, two..." Peter said counting as they see the cavalry charging and heard the fanfare

"Three, four..." Caspian counting the same time for the plan

"Five, six..."

"Take your aim!" Susan said, "Stay with them!" Trumpkin said 

"Eight, nine..." Peter counts "Get ready!" Percy yells

"Now!" Caspian said and the underground army destroys the pillars of the place causing a large part of the ground to collapse and trapping most of the cavalry 

"Stop! Back! Back!" telmarnies shout at each other "Hold it now! Hold it!"

"Now!" Susan yells as Percy lowers the water wall and the arrows shoot the soldiers. 

Edmund gets on the horse and so does leo riding to battle

"Charge!" Peter and Percy both yell as the Narnians run to the battle and they follow

"Charge!" Caspain said immerging from the inground exits on the other side as they attack with the second army of Narnians and skeletons. They all fight against the telmarnies seriously with their advantage in strategy

" ADIOS SUCKERS!" Leo said swinging his hammer and hitting every telmarnie in his path with it. while edmund shoots the soldiers with his crossbow

Reepchieep lands in front of a telmarnie with his sword out "You're a mouse." the soldier said 

"You, people, have no imagination," he said before attacking

The second part of the telmarnie march forward and Caspian lets down the signal while Griffins flies above the army holding archers who shoot down at the telmarnies

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