Chapter 4 - A Saint's Faithless Night

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AN: Sorry this took so long. I had a lack of motivation for quite a while. The length of the chapter is not reflective of the time since the last update at all. I wasn't planning on continuing, but when I saw that this was the #1 Satella story I felt a little too proud to just leave it here to rot.

Reinhard POV

Most people want power, and are afraid of those who have it. That's why the strongest are feared, even if they are no threat. One such example is Satella, the witch of envy, the one starved of love and attention so much she destroyed half the world in her rage before she was locked away. Most know her as a witch, or the devil, I see her as misunderstood.  What she did is no doubt evil, but in no tale was she always evil, it was always a sudden snap of destruction. There was no disaster leading up to the cataclysm, nothing she did before the cataclysm was ever documented. 

Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. A phrase to most, a mantra to some, and a prophecy to few. For me, it's a constant reminder; a reminder of Satella and what I could become. 

For most, I am absolute power, I am the Sword Saint, the Hero of Lugunica, a god among men, but for the hand full, I am merely Reinhard. Expectations weigh a person down, I know that better than most. How long before I crumble, before I succumb to the power, I hope that day never comes.

Like all things in this world, there is a balance, an equilibrium. There is no light without dark, there is no love without hate, there is no right without wrong. Therefore there cannot be just corruption, there has to be purification. I believe that the friends you have are the ones that purify your soul, whether intentionally or not.

My small group of friends treat me like friends, but they can be a bit cautious around me. Their behavior reminded him of everyone else, friendly but caution laced in every action. Subaru though, was completely different. He held no fear, even after I introduced myself, almost as if he had never heard of me, it was a breath of fresh air, in a world full of smog. Even after I showed my power he held no fear, he was merely irate because of the damage. It was nice to be berated as Reinhard and not the sword saint. 

Subaru's miasma was something I was willing to ignore for the moment, since he was a good person, at least it seems that way. My decision might be wrong as I see a circle of witch cultists, with Subaru in the center. I felt betrayed and hallow from this situation. My first instinct is to wipe them out, but recklessness only causes more damage. I went closer to hear their conversation, maybe I would get some information on their archbishops or their future plans. 

One of the cultists kneeled and spoke "Why have you summoned us Archbishop-Sama?" 

'Of course Subaru is an archbishop, the amount of miasma was unfathomable, and his power is too powerful to not be someone well in the ranks of the cult. I let my trustworthy nature blind my judgement again. Reinhard thought as he felt guilty for the supposed slip up.

Subaru's response to the cultists question bring some hope to Reinhard "What are you talking about?" Subaru questions, confusing the cultists and Reinhard.

'Subaru, doesn't understand? Maybe he is unrelated to the cult, after all.' Reinhard thought as he felt hopeful that his friend wasn't evil.

"You called us, with your authority, we felt the miasma and came to you." The kneeling figure spoke, his voice wavering as he spoke.  

'He did use his power in his fight with Elsa which did let out a lot miasma, but what is an authority?' Reinhard thought, listening to the conversation.

"Show us your gospel for proof of love!" The kneeling figure shouted, as he looked up at Subaru and pulled out a book. 

'The gospel? Is that the book he's holding? I've seen those before, all the cultists I've killed had those books on them.' Reinhard thinks as he recalls seeing that book many times before.

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