19; You should see me in a crown.

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Four Years Ago.

Baita Cantonment, Bauchi State.

"Captain Inaya Sa'id reporting for duty, Sir!"

A few looks were exchanged between the three men seated in the Colonel's office where she is reporting for the duty the next day. Unlike how she was dressed the day before, this time around she was dressed for the role and looking like it in her number six dress.

Snug khaki uniform covered her body from head to the toe. Boots that covered the army green socks she had on were pulled upwards, tucking the lower part of her trousers. Her name was displayed across the name badge on her shirt, and her rank insignia proudly on her shoulder. Her hair was pulled back into a tight, seemingly perfect low bun and she sported a beret to complete the look.

The Colonel, and head of Baita Cantonment offered her a reluctant curt nod—not bothering to hide his dislike towards her. It was the same with the Lieutenant Colonel as well as the Major, seated across each other in the adequately spaced office.

Inaya dropped her hand by the side, before crossing them behind her and assuming a stance. His facial expression was blank, giving no hint of how she was actually feeling in that exact moment. Her eyes though were fixed up ahead, waiting for instructions from her superiors.

She could've chosen to just go about her job, but she needs to report to them first because that's how it is. Besides, it's too early for her to choose violence. Not to mention, the military camp isn't her playground.

"Captain...Inaya," This time around, it was the Lieutenant Colonel that spoke up, shifting in his seat and leaning back. His gaze wasn't on her rather, but rather fixed in the opposite direction. "So, you decide to report for duty only now?" He mocked, his gaze still never sparing a glance. "You were in the division yesterday as well, weren't you?"

"Yes, Sir."

"So, why are you only reporting for duty now?"

"Because I was here as a civilian yesterday." She stated, her tone calm, and filled to the brim with unrivaled and unintimidated confidence. She knew what sort of game he was playing at, which they are all playing at. Luckily, she knows how to defend herself well enough. "My official duty starts today. So, I wasn't required to report for duty yesterday."

The man hummed, though his tone showed he had little interest in her explanation. He already knew that, they all do. However, they are intentionally looking for loopholes to nitpick. "And why were you here yesterday?"

"That's a personal issue." She replied without hesitating even for a split second. "I don't owe you an explanation for what I do in my free time as a civilian."

Her answer had the man shifting his glare to her for the first time. He couldn't believe she just said that to him, so nonchalantly as well. Is this woman forgetting where she is? How dare she speak to her superior in the military like that? Does she think they are there to play?

"What did you just say?" He questioned slowly, his tone dropping in a threatening way. It was him daring her to repeat her words.

Inaya kept her gaze fixed in that exact same position, her stance never wavering even for a split second—all product of years' worth of training. She has been in the military for long enough, she basically grew up there in a way. Something as simple as standing in the exact position, with a composed stance isn't something big to her.

She blinked slickly, her composure still intact. His threat, it didn't make her falter even in the slightest. Parting her lips, she voiced out her answer. "I said, I don't owe you an explanation for what I do in my free time as a civilian." She repeated calmly, before flicking her gaze to meet his for the first time. "I don't see anyone asking you what you do in your free time, in uniform too."

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