34; Fall in love alone.

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If you've read the last chapter, do go back and reread it. I've added a part I didn't realize was cut out. Thank you and enjoy.

Sa'id Manse, Abuja.

"Listen, I know I haven't exactly been the best friend to you, and that despite everything you've done for me, we barely even know what's going on in each other's lives." Amina started, settling on the bed beside Inaya. Her lips were stretched into a small, comforting smile. "Regardless, you know you can always talk to me, right? I'm always willing to give you a listening ear."

Inaya's lips stretched into a smile which Amina could tell was forced in an instant. She could see through her that much. "I know." Inaya whispered in a low voice, though it was laced with all the tiredness she couldn't explain in words.

It was evident in her expression that she was exhausted, physically and mentally. In that instant, she doesn't look like the Inaya she shows the world. She wasn't chaos, or cypher. She's simply, Inaya. An ordinary woman who although managed to earn herself a reputation that makes her seem impeccable, is actually the most imperfect human out there.

Not to mention, she has been like this since she came back from meeting Aadil's father—that was a day ago. She had basically locked herself in her room, wallowing in thoughts. Her father would've noticed it, if not that he had to fly to another State for some important work so she was left with Amina who of course was quick to detect the change in her friend.

Hence why she decided to finally speak to her about it. She couldn't bear to sit there and watch her knowing something is bothering her. If she could help in any way, then she was willing to do so.

The expression had Amina's lips slanting into a frown, her brows squished together. "Speak to me." She encouraged softly, hoping to be a friend to Inaya, the friend she deserves and need in that moment. "Tell me really, what's bothering you? I know you aren't okay."

Inaya didn't respond immediately. She simply drew her lower lip between her teeth, worry evidently masking her features. She didn't even try to hide it.

"Let it off your chest." Amina encouraged yet again, because it was clear Inaya just needs a little push. "What's really bothering you?"

The addressed woman let out an audible sigh, before shrugging. "Everything." She admitted eventually, looking down for a brief second. "Everything's bothering me, Amina."

Amina didn't say anything immediately. She could tell Inaya had more to add, and she didn't want to interrupt. She was right, because only a moment later, the aforementioned woman continued.

"—nothing is going on as planned—not at work, and not here as well. I want to act like I'm okay, and that I can handle everything but you know what, sometimes I feel like I don't even know who I truly am." Imposter syndrome, that was one of the things bothering Inaya.

On some days, she has as much confidence in herself that could go over the chart. On other days, she found herself questioning every single decision she has ever made, and the ones she would eventually make. It's like having everyone picture you as some sort of glorious person, but in reality, there's no glory attached to you in the slightest. She feels like a liar, like someone desperately trying to fit in shoes that aren't hears only to get hurt in the process. And yet, she still dons them regardless of the wound, and strut around in it all the while feigning a smile, and pretending everything is alright. That's how she was feeling at the moment.

"--I took on a case, a very important one and there's no room for messing up. Just a while ago, I had full confidence in myself, but I'm no longer certain." She paused to let out another loud sigh, her tiresome eyes meeting her best friends. "There are just way too many odds against me."

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