• How it all began • 1

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hi guys! This is a going to be the first chapter of my high school au (based on awow)! I hope you guys enjoy!!


Ao'nung was out working his usually shift, 9-4pm at his local coffee shop. He was usually stuck serving people, which he found quite enjoyable. However today he was stuck making drinks, he least favorite thing to do. Mainly because he was not very good at and most of the time ended up spilling a thing or two.

When suddenly a regular customer came in. Since no one was there serving, he decided to take over and serve him. Where he said his usual "Hi welcome to Cafe belle what can I get for you today?" When he was met with a reply.

"Could I get a green tea please". That was unusual, his normal order was a double espresso shot with oat milk and cold foam. Ao'nung then said.

"Not the regular?", as a joke and was met with.

"No not today", as the boy laughed over the side.

For once he decided to be bold and ask something along the lines of "so what's your name" but of course this time he screwed it by instead stuttering and saying something like "um..uh..w..what's your name" and began to feel his face turn red from embarrassment.

The boy tried to hide his laugh before saying, "I know your name so how come you don't know mine" in a sarcastic like voice.

Before he replied "well I've got a badge saying my name, you haven't", laughing.

He was then met with a fairly annoyed customer behind saying "get a move on.." and they then proceeded to look down at their phone.

"Well my names neteyam, looks like I've got to run" he said before walking over to another counter to grab his drink and waving goodbye to Ao'nung. Aonung couldn't help but feel himself blushing before he thought. Am...i...blushing?.. What the? Why am I blushing? I'm not gay. Am i? Maybe I am? No I can't be. I don't know.

Then his colleague Amber tapped him on the shoulder. "You ok?", she asked before Ao'nung snapped  back to reality replying with a short.

"Yeah..just fine" before turning around and going back to making drinks. He tried to not think about the awkward yet funny interaction that happened earlier that morning but he just couldn't. He found himself smiling to himself at random points in the day when the only thing he could think of was Neteyam.

He sighed wishing he would have asked for his number but he even screwed up asking what his name was. Feeling defeated he asked if he could go home early, which to his surprise his manager said yes since he'd be working so hard.

He suddenly felt uplifted when he got a text from his mom saying "we've got new neighbors that have just moved, I think one of them knows you", before finishing the text with an 'x'. Ao'nung couldn't be bothered to reply he just wanted to get home as quick as possible.

Speeding through the streets he managed to get home in 9 minutes and when he opened the door he was greeted with his mom saying "oh, your home early", leaving Ao'nung shocked so he had to quick make and excuse saying :
"Allison (his manager) let me go home early".

His mum replied. "That's ok then, I thought you would've got fired" which made him and Ronal (his mum) both laugh.

Ao'nung just rushed upstairs to his room and turned on his computer, having to finish off some left over homework. "Ugh maths again" he groaned leaning back on his chair. Just as he put on his headphones he heard the doorbell ring.

"Ao can you answer that", his younger sister Tsireya pleaded.

"Sure", he got up throwing his headphone back down on his desk and muttering "oh for fucks sake", before opening his bedroom door. He quickly ran down the stairs and opened the door. It was a familiar face.

"Oh, hey neteyam" he said as all his frustration was gone after seeing him.

"Hi! I'm your new neighbor a couple doors down" he replied warmly.

"Ao'nung, who's at the door" his mom yelled from the kitchen.

"Just the new neighbor" Ao'nung said.

"Well..in that case, these are for you" she said appearing behind Ao'nung and moving him aside before handing neteyam a plate of freshly baked cookie.

"Oh thank you, but you really don't need to give them to me" neteyam answered hesitant to take the plate.

"No think of these as a welcome gift" Ronal replied, pushing the plate into neteyams hands.

"In that case I am happy to accept them" neteyam smiled as he accepted the plate of cookies. "Well I better get going, I've got to unpack" he remarked.

"That's ok, just know that your welcome here anytime" Ronal smiled as neteyam walked down the driveway, closing the door soon after. "He's a nice boy isn't he?" she inquired waiting for a reply.

"Yes mom" Ao'nung rolled his eyes before heading back up the stairs and to his room. Then closing his door and slouching in his chair. I can't be bothered to do this, he thought before going on his phone and heading to instagram and before he knew it he had found neteyams instagram which was : teyam.sully01.

Just staring at his phone in shock he looked through his posts, all 81 of them each with at least 4 different pictures on each. All of them showed different photos of where in the world he had been including: Australia, Italy, Canada, Brazil, Hawaii and Thailand. More of his posts had photos with lots of old friends, in and out of school, visiting places like water parks, theme parks, festivals and school events.

"He's a nice boy isn't he?" Tsireya said from behind teasing him. Ao'nung took off his headphones and looked behind realizing he didn't hear Tsireya come in.

He sighed "Go away Reya" before placing his phone down and getting up guiding Tsireya to the door.

"Someone's developing a little crush" she said teasing him.

"No I'm not, just go away" Ao'nung said in a irritated tone slamming the door behind her. Her comment made him think if he was developing a crush on him. No he wasn't. Or was he?


hey guys! This is the first chapter! Remember to check my tiktok for updates.
user: iluvavatarr

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