• Hangout • 2

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hey guys! This is chapter 2 of my high school au! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter! Remember if you would like more updates my tiktok user is: iluvavatarr!


Ao'nung woke up early, 5:00am, 5:03am to be exact. He was going to see Neteyam today. He couldn't contain his excitement, it was the first time they were going to hang out together. However on the other hand Neteyam hadn't woken up yet and they were supposed to meet together to go down to the beach and watch the sunrise.

It was nearing 5:30 when Ao'nung started to become agitated and the fact Neteyam hadn't answered his texts or calls. It was getting later and later. The more time Ao'nung was waiting the more irritated he got.

By 5:45am he got fed up and decided to go to Neteyams house, he was pretty sure he knew the right one, number 236. He pulled on his shoes and brought an extra hoodie, like he always did, but today it was for a reason. As he opened his front door, he quickly wrote a note and left it on the shoe rack. The note said : 'hi mum and dad. Just taken the car out for a bit. Will be back soon. Ao x'

He grabbed the keys and shoved them in his pocket, along with his phone. As he passed the car he quickly threw the hoodie in the back. The car was a white Range Rover with blacked out windows, with white leather seats.

He began to walk over to Neteyams house, it was only a two minute walk away. When he got to his house he took a deep breath before knocking. He knocked twice before he was greeted by a lady. She looked like she was in her mid sixties and was dressed in a dressing gown.

"Oh..um...hi this is house 236 right?" He asked.

He was met with a reply "no dear this is house 235, house 236 is there" she said pointing to the house next to her.

"Oh..ok thanks have a great day" Ao'nung said back, feeling embarrassed. How could he have knocked on the wrong door.

He walked to his left and made sure he was at the right house, 236. He was. He prepared himself before knocking on his house door.

He was met with Lo'ak, he was Neteyams younger brother. "Who are you?" Lo'ak asked sounding pissed off.

"Oh, I'm Neteyams friend. Is here?" Ao'nung replied.

"I've never seen you before but his room second room on left" he said pointing to a hallway, left of door. "He's probably sleeping by the way, I suggest you knock".

"Ok, thanks" Ao'nung said, taking off his shoes before walking away from Lo'ak. He could feel his eyes following him as he closed the door. He walked down the hallway and found Neteyams room.

He knocked and waited patiently for someone to open the door. He then saw Lo'ak go into his room, which was opposite from Neteyam's. He felt Lo'ak's eyes on him again, like they were going to burn into his back. Finally his door closed.

After waiting for another five minutes, he decided to try to see if his door was locked. It wasn't. He then knocked again just to make sure Neteyam was not going to open it. Little did he know Neteyam was a heavy sleeper and was fast asleep in his room. Ao'nung just decided to open the door and look to see if Neteyam was awake. He looked in and checked his watch again to see the time. It read 6:02am. This made him feel a bit frustrated because sunrise was at 6:20am.

He then decided to go over to Neteyam and shake him by his shoulder to see if he was awake. He did not wake up. He decided to see if he was going to respond to his name. "Neteyam" he asked in a whisper and shook his shoulder again. This time Neteyam moved, turning towards Ao'nung, pushing the cover of his torso.

The fact Neteyam was shirtless and had abs made Ao'nung blush. However he kept trying to wake him up. And trying to ignore the fact he was shirtless. This time he moved again, shaking the covers and bringing them down past his waist. Ao'nung thought, oh for fucks sake. As he realized Neteyam was only in his underwear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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