Chapter 13

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Tommy POV:

             What did I do to deserve Ran? He's actually perfect. The best (and only) boyfriend I've ever had. He's treated me like the most important person in this world. Which I really wasn't. Far from it, actually. He made me breakfast, which was delicious. Then he pulled me close, laid down with me in his arms, and we just cuddled. It was nice. He was warm, and he smelled like.. something nice. What exactly was it? It was kind of earthy, but it also kind of smelled like the air does right after it rained. I got it! He smelled like a rain soaked forest! And god was it comforting. That was just what I needed. I needed comfort. Because I literally- didn't need to think about that. Because  it would just make me cry. And I definitely didn't need to do that. Because that would just bother Ran. I couldn't be a bother. Then Ran would get mad at me and he would- No, he wouldn't. He's not that kind of person. Tubbo is. But Ran's not. He wouldn't hurt me. He wouldn't walk up to me drunk, pull me into a bathroom, and rape me. He just wouldn't. Because only fucked up people do that. Maybe I deserved it though. I did steal Tubbo's boyfriend. Technically I didn't know he and Ran were together, so how could I steal Ran from Tubbo if I didn't even know they were dating? 

            None of that mattered. It just didn't. I was okay, I was safe, I didn't need to think about any of that. Tubbo couldn't hurt me anymore. No one could hurt me. Ranboo would protect me. He was big and strong, and he would fight off anyone if they tried to harm me. Ran pulled me closer, and gave me a few head scratches in the spot right behind my bunny ears. It felt so nice. I sighed contently and took a deep inhale of Ran's scent. Not in a weird way, it was just a thing with hybrids. The scents of people we love is just comforting. It kept me calm, because I was on the verge of crying. Who wouldn't be though? Anyone in my situation would want to cry. But I felt bad about crying. What if it annoyed Ran? What if I was bothering him? What if he decided I wasn't good enough to be his boyfriend because I cried? But he was nice. He wouldn't do that to me. He understood. Well, he didn't understand understand because he had never been raped but.. surely he had to understand it was one of the worst things that can happen to a person. Other than like.. getting murdered, I guess. But getting murdered is probably less painful. Unless its death by a thousand literal cuts. That'd be more painful than getting raped. Much more. Also, who would cut someone a thousand times? I thought Tubbo was a nice person with a good life. Mr. Perfectly Fine, and then he gets drunk and rapes me. I dreamt about it when I slept. A nightmare. I just- I was there. I remember it all too well. I can basically still feel his hands touching me. I can still feel his dick thrusting into me like a knife. I hate everything. I don't wanna feel like this anymore. I don't wanna feel these phantom hands on me. 

            "Are you okay, bun?" Ran asked, kissing my head after. I mumbled a 'yeah' and nodded, but it was just an outright lie. I just didn't wanna worry him. Though I was emotionally scarred, I could just.. shake it off. Because if I started crying, or said how I really felt, I would worry Ran. That just- I would never want to do that. I would've, could've, should've told him how I felt, but I just didn't. Would me and Ran ever have sex? It seems random, but it's an important thought! Would I be able to have sex after what happened? Obviously not right now, but in the future. I started thinking about Tubbo again. He seemed like a nice person! But it was all just a hoax. His entire personality. No 'nice person' does something so treacherous. No 'nice person' touches me in ways that leave me haunted. I could tolerate it, though, feign happiness so Ran would think I'm just fine. But I just feel like Tubbo's hands will ghost over me evermore, even though all I want is peace. Tubbo is just- he's the new reason I can't have nice things. It used to be my dad, now it's Tubbo. I just wanna be clean. I've felt so disgusting ever since he raped me. I started crying. Not sobbing, not shaking, just laying there and crying. Barely making a noise. But Ran seemed to notice, because he pulled me as close as he could (with me still being comfortable) and kissed my head, whispering sweet nothings to me. 

 Ranboo POV:

            Tommy just started crying out of no where. It was a little weird, but it was fair. He was raped just the night before. Anyone would cry randomly in his situation. So I just hugged him tight, comforting him. That's all I could do, really. I couldn't take his pain, no matter how much I wanted to. Comforting him is what I'm just supposed to do. I'm the man; his man. That sounds so outdated, but it's just true. He's my bunny. And I have to protect him and comfort him and love him- Is it too early to love? No. You just know when you've found the one. Tommy's the only one for me. He was made for me. Or- We were made for each other. That kind of thing only happens in movies. At least, that's what everyone else believes. It happened to me. I found who I was made for. And of course, if this was a movie, Tommy wouldn't have been raped. 


Okay. 1001 words. But there's a surprise! If any of you are Swifties, hopefully you picked up on it. I snuck 16 Taylor Swift song titles into this chapter. One of them is paraphrased (This is why we can't have nice things is the paraphrased one), but all the others are just the straight up song titles. If you find all of them I'll give you a hug!!! Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and voting and commenting. I started writing this for fun, I definitely wasn't expecting four thousand people to read this. But thank you guys. Honestly, I really appreciate all the comments and votes and all the reading lists this is added to. Next chapter will come out next week, probably. Or this week, if I don't have anything to do over the weekend. (Some of the Taylor Swift songs are just one word, like peace, hoax, treacherous, happiness, so be on the lookout for those!!)

[DISCONTINUED] The only one I see • Tomboo/Allium duoWhere stories live. Discover now