Part 2 - a familiar face!

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-The bushes rustle as smg3 watch holding egg dog close..

Smg3: who's there.. what's there .. show yourself!

-The bushes move as a blue at fell out of the bush...

???: darn it-... why did I even go on a midnight walk...

Smg3: wait ... egg dog stay right here for papa okay?

Egg dog: bark bark

-Smg3 sat up from the soft grass.. to walk to the bush.. opening the bush he finds his rival... SMG4

Smg3: FOUR?! What the hell are you doing!

Smg4: oh hey there, sorry if I scared you and eggy.. I wanted to go for a walk and i tripped over a few i landed in the bush...

Smg3: I'll believe that.. just go away since I promised my SON-

Egg dog: bork Bork (Thats me!)

Smg3: .. I promised him that he can stargaze tonight.. probably even find a shooting star...

Smg4: oh may I join I don't have any plans tonight!

-As smg4 said this egg dog looked at smg3 with the most adorable eyes.. he wanted to have Smg4 around so.. Smg3 let out a loud sigh.. he did want to say this but since it was egg dog's birthday..

Smg3: fine just this ONCE..

( 202 words dude so basically I'm planning to have a bit of wholesome content for the next part! )

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