Part 5 - confession

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-smg4 gently messed with Smg3's hair as he slept.. time passes and they both are away but Smg4.. wants to take his shot...

Smg4: hey three I gotta tell you sum..

Smg3: ...what is it idiot

Smg4: you know about bob and him rapping about girls..?

-smg3 nods

Smg4: .. just what if it was two boys..?

-smg3 nods slowly to then look at smg4
Smg3: what are you implying..

-as the two looked at each other.. smg4's blue eyes looking into Smg3's red eyes..

Smg4: it's just you make me happy..  you made me feel like..myself.. it's just.. the way you talk it just fills me with joy..

-smg3 was red.. he didn't understand.. was this love?

-Smg4 then sat closer to smg3 to then hold the bottom of his chin..

Smg4: .. we known each other for so many years.. why not ignore the past of us being rivals.. and be something more then friends..

-smg3 was stunned.. he felt his throat in a knot .. butterfly's in his stomach and his palms were feeling sweaty..

Smg4: I can tell you don't have any words for this but ..
-smg4 then took off Smg3s hat..
Smg4: it's fun teasing you..
-smg4 put smg3s hair out of his face ...

-before giving him a quick kiss on the lips.. before going back to stargazing..


Smg3: -.. damn it.. baka..

( 231 words with more romance, yippee )

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