The beginning to a long story

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You sit in your bed scrolling on your phone waiting for something interesting to pop up and grab your interest. "Ha-Rin it's time for dinner!" Your mother calls you from downstairs. You lazily get out of bed and head downstairs.

You look over at the dinner table where your family is sitting along with your mom's new boyfriend. Your blood boiled every time you saw him. How could mom just replace your dad like that, not even waiting a whole year after he died to get a new bitch. You walked over to the dinner table unwillingly not wanting your mom to yell at you for leaving. "Ha-Rin I made your favorite gim-bap!" You were mad at her but how could you stay mad for long. You smiled at her as she set your plate down along with a few side dishes.

Your older brother finally came downstairs after a few minutes. He stared at your mother's boyfriend then at you, you looked at him almost begging him to sit down with you for once. He sat down giving your mom's boyfriend the death stare. "So Ha-Rin, Ha-kyun are you excited for your first day of school tomorrow?" Your mom said trying to break up the tension. "I guess." Your brother shrugged. "Oh I'm actually kind of nervous." You said.

"Well my father always told me when I was nervous to count backwards from 100 by two and it always calmed me down so I would do that if I were you." Your mom's boyfriend said. "Yeah well you're not our dad so I don't think you can say that." Your brother blurted out. "Ha-kyun!" Your mom yelled. "What he's not and he never was so why are we pretending he is?" Your brother yelled back. "Go to your room!" Your mom yelled. "No why are we pretending that dad isn't dead." Your brother stared at your mom waiting for an answer knowing he wasn't gonna get one. "We aren't!" Your mom fired back. "But we are, you didn't even go to his funeral you ignored it like he never existed!" Your brother screamed at your mom. "Just shut up and go to your room!" Your mom screamed. "Fine!"

Your brother grabbed his plate and threw it on the ground pieces flying everywhere. He then turned around and stormed into his room. Your mom started to pick the pieces up off the ground. Your mom's boyfriend just sat there and stared at her. You ended up helping your mom pick up the pieces of your brothers smashed plate, pieces of gim-bap splattered around the floor and your mom's boyfriend just stared at you and your mom.

"I'm breaking up with you." He stated abruptly. You and your mom looked up at him in confusion. "What?" Your mom said her face was already filled with tears from what happened with your brother. "I'm breaking up with you, I don't want to be with a woman who can't control her kids it's embarrassing." Your mom's good for nothing ex boyfriend said with a cold expression. "Please don't do this, not right now my daughter right here you couldn't wait?" Your mom said begging him to stay with her. "No I couldn't You're an  embarrassing excuse for a mother." He said. Your mom started balling on the ground begging him to stay with her.  You filled with anger, how could this bitch be so cold. You stared at him. Then you got up from the ground and started screaming at him.

"How could you do this, what is wrong with you it's a normal thing for kids to act out!" You screamed at him. "You're just a kid, how would you know what a woman is supposed to do, a woman is supposed to keep her kids in line, cook, and clean the house." He yelled at you. You grabbed your plate off the table and slapped him across the face with it. It shadered all over him cutting him in different places all his face. He grabbed your wrist and started screaming at you. Your mom started to scream at him to stop. But he just kicked repeatedly. He then threw you at the wall. He was screaming in face threatening to hit you. "You crazy bitch what the fuck is wrong with you I'm gonna beat the shit out of you!"

Your brother came downstairs from all the noise. "What the hell are you doing!" Your brother screamed at the clinically insane ex boyfriend. He turned around to face your brother. "What does it look like teaching the bitches a lesson!" He yelled back. Your brother walked over to him and told him to get the hell away from you or else he was gonna beat the living hell out of him. "Do it you're only 17 I'm 47!" He yelled. Your brother swung on him and started beating the living shit out of him punching and kicking him. "You ever touch Ha-Rin again and see what the fuck happens!" Your brother screamed beating him over and over not letting him get one hit in.

(I know it's unrealistic but it's for the book.)

After minutes of just straight beating your brother finally let off. Your mom's ex boyfriend was on the floor knocked out from how bad it was. You sat there in shock of what just happened. Your mom scrambled off the floor and ran over to you. "Did he hurt you? Are you ok?" She was asking a million questions per second. "Mom I'm fine I just got glass on me." You said reassuring her. She then ran over to your brother asking him a million questions per second.

"Mom I'm fine my hand just hurts a little bit. Are you ok, you look beat up?" He asked your mother. "I'm fine we just need to get him out of here." You all looked down at the bar shit crazy man on your floor. "I'll drag him out the back yard and chuck him over the fence." Your brother grabbed his arms and started dragging him. You got off the floor and helped bring him to the backyard while your mom picked up the evidence of him. "Are you sure you're ok?" You asked your brother. "No I fucking hand up punching him." Your brother looked down at him. "Are you ok." He asked you "nah I think he gave scoliosis." You and your brother started laughing.

"What are we doing with our lives I'm 16 and dragging a body out of our house at three in the morning. I have school in the morning." You said tossing over the fence. "I don't know sometimes I wonder if we're too young for this, the things we go through because of our mom what is this boyfriend number 12 in the 8 months dad died." Your brother sat down at the fence in you. "Probably what do normal kids do?" You asked. "Sneak out." Your brother said "we don't have to do that remember that time mom got you a fake ID so you could go clubbing?" You laughed "yeah and that time she bought us soju." You and your brother sat there for a few more minutes laughing your asses off.

"God our mom is not cut out to be a mom." Your brother said "she tries her best." You replied. "Doing drugs and getting abusive boyfriends is her best?" He asked. "Ok so not her best but she loves us." You said. "Yeah she loves us." He said "we need to go inside." You said remembering that you have school in four hours. You got up off the grass and walked inside your blood stained glass covered floor. "I'm going to sleep we can deal with this mess tomorrow." You said heading up to your room. "Ok." Your mom said as she dumped a bunch of glass into the trash can.

You didn't even bother taking a shower you just changed and got in your bed. Boy was it a long traumatic night. Soon after you fell into a deep sleep.

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