Chapter One: The Troubled Flame

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It is 12 am at the Bull family household and Red son is working on the next round of bull bots because the Monkie king's successor, Mk keeps taking down the bots left and right with the King's powers. PIF walks into Red son's room.

PIF: Son you should go to bed, your going to overwork yourself again.

Red: Mother, I need to finish these bull bots before the blasted nood-I mean Mk attacks us again.

PIF: Ok fine you will get 20 more minutes but then you're done for today. Do you understand?

Red: Yes Mother, thank you.

PIF walks to the door: Good-night.

Red: Good-night Mother.

PIF closes the door as Red son starts working again and as he is working a feels a tingling sensation on his left wrist. He stops and takes off his gloves to see a little burn mark on his wrist. Red son looks at it in confusion as he realizes that he still has 10 more minutes of time left so he decides to go get a little snack before he goes to bed. Red gets up and starts to walk to the kitchen thinking about his wrist but just thinks that he probably just used a little too much heat in that area or something. Red gets his snack and turns on the T.V setting it to a low volume as the news starts to talk about Mk the hero who has saved the city again, Red starts to think about the boy but brushes it off he then eats his food and then goes back to his room to sleep. In the morning Red skips breakfast to work on the bull bots, soon Red starts to feel the same tingling sensation on his left wrist so then he stops to see what is going on with his powers. Red gets on his bed to think but falls asleep and gets woken up by a bull bot telling him that it is time to eat dinner. Red then gets ready before walking into the dining room.

DBK: Hello son, good of you to join us. (Red son sits down and takes a bite of his food)

Red: Hello Father, I am almost done with the next line of bull bots!

PIF: Yes, because you are overworking yourself again.

Red son get chills down his spine, as DBK looks at him with a mad look on his face.

DBK: Son, How Many Times Do I Have To I Have To Tell You To NOT Overwork Yourself!?

Red: B-but father we will need them for when Mk attacks again.

BDK: NO BUTS! You Will Not Go Into What Work Shop Of Yours For A Month!? I'm I Understood!?

Red gets up from his sit: Y-yes Father. (They eat in silence, Red son finishes then gets up and starts to walk away when little sparks start to come out from his hand as he thinks more and more about his father's words. Red son muttering to himself angrily as he walked then his hands burst into blue flames, his body then explodes with blue flames as Red son starts to feel pain a surge of pain throughout his whole entire body, it feels like a bunch of needles piercing into his skin all at once, digging deeper and deeper as he screams in pain. DBK in shock can't move, Pif then tries to get to Red son as DBK snaps out of his shock as he sees this. He then moves Pif away as he tries to get to Red son getting burned in the process. He then wraps his arms around Red making him stop the flames immediately as Red son stands there in his father's embrace, in shock as he begins to cry. Red son feels his eye lads feel heavy and then he passes out because his body used a lot of energy to make those new blue flames.

PIF running up to them: Honey! Is he Okay!? Did He Just Pass Out!?

DBK: Yes. But he is still breathing and whatever that was took a lot of his energy away.

PIF: Are you ok? Are you covered in burns.

DBK: Ya, I have gone through a lot worse.

PIF as she takes a deep breath: Ok Good good, I can patch you up but let's put your son to bed first.

The Tale Of Three: A Flame Ignitesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें