Chapter Three: Meeting

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*Warning a little bit of spicy scenes at the end*

Mk wakes up to see Red son cleaning his room.

Mk: Hey Red son what are you doing?

Red son: Cleaning your very messy bedroom.

Mk: Red son, you don't need to do that.

Red son: But I want too and I can't be in this dump.

Mk: Fine, by the way, I'm going to the arcade with Mei if want to join me.

Red son: Wait what, doesn't she hate me?

Mk: Yes, I just tell her that your with me. (He get his clothes out to wear)

Red son: WHAT!?

Mk: Ya, I'll tell her that you were attacked and I saved you.

Red son: Oh ok, wait I have nothing to wear.

Mk: You can borrow some of my clothes. (He is now finish changing)

Red son: Ok.

Mk: First, I am changing your bandages.

Red son: No they're healed.

Mk: What how!?

Red son: I'm a demon remember?

Mk: Oh right. (He gives Red son some clothes.)

Red son: Thanks.

Red son walks into the bathroom and changes. He wearing a black T-shirt with one Mk's yellow coats and jeans with black shoes. And his is in a half up half hair down style.

Red son walking out of the bathroom: Hey, noodle boy I'm done.

Mk: Goo- Woah Red son you look amazing!

Red son: You really think so?

Mk: Ya!

Mk: Alright, lets go! Oh wait you need to jump down from my window, or Pigsy will see you.

Red son: Alright.

Mk: Wait here I'll tell you when to get down.

Red son nodded as Mk goes downstairs, greeting Pigsy. Then Mk goes outside to the window

Mk: Hey, Red son you can jump now!

Red son: Wait!? You're going to catch me!?

Mk: Ya, come on Mei is waiting for us.

Red son: O-oh ok. (He jumps down into Mk's arms. Red son is shocked that Mk can hold him.)

Mk putting Red son down how is blushing a little: Ok come! Red son!

Red son: Oh r-right.

They walk to the arcade. Mk sees Mei waiting for him.

Mk: MEI! (He runs to Mei giving her a big hug.)

Mei: Hey Mk! You ready to lose? (She says with a smug look on her face)

Mk: Ya but I want you to meet someone first. (He then motion for Red son to come to them. Red son slowly walks to them. Mei can now see Red son.)

Mei: Woah who are th- (She looks at Red son) Red son!?

Mk: Hey, Mei calm down let me explain.

Mei: Fine, but make it quick.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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