Chapter Two: Just One Time

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Red son wakes up in pain as he slowly sits up to see that he is in the noodles boy's room. Red son can hear something downstairs, he then slowly gets up in a lot of pain but he making his way to the window. He trys to jump out but yelps in pain making him fall to the floor.

Downstairs the clones are talking to Tang and Pigsy. The clones then hear Red son and teleport upstairs to see Red son on the floor. They run up to him as he trys to fight back but he faints. Clone One then takes Red to the bathroom as Clone Two give the bandages out and replaces Red son's old bandages with new ones. Ten minutes later Red son wakes up again to see the Two Mk clones watching T.V.

Red son opening his eye and looks at the clones on the bed then smiles he trys to sit up but the clones see him awake.

Clone One: HHm? (He looks at Red son trying to sit up) NO You shouldn't do that. (He walks up to Red son, laying him back down.) You'll faint again.

Red son gets flustered: ... NO I THE GREAT RED SON DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!

Clone Two: Na (he walks to Red son) we were told by OG to help you until he gets back.

Red son: What!?

One clone: Ya he was like "You two better be good with him now"

Red son's face goes a bright red as his hair lights up in flames.

The clones look at him: Oh You Like MK~ Don't You~.

Red son still a little flustered: N-No I D-don't!

The clones: Sure~

Red son: Just don't tell him. Please.

The clones: Ya, of course

Red son: Thanks~ wait what are your names?

The clones: Mk clone

Red son: Ya, no I'm not calling you that.

Red son: HHhmm Oh what about Healer (Clone One) and Doctor (Clone Two) because you're helping me and stuff.

Helper: Yes I love it!

Doctor: Ya, they sound good.

Doctor then when downstairs saying to Pigsy that Mk just did some telekinesis to talk to me and Healer.

Pigsy: Ok, wait hows "Healer?"

Doctor: Oh thats me and clone two's names now I'm Doctor!

Tang: Well thats good.

Mk walking in the door: Hi Papa, hi dad!

Tang: Hi Mk! How were the delivers?

Mk: Good, Oh Dad here (He gives Pigsy a 20 dollar bill) some lovely old lady give it to me.

Pigsy: Very good. (He put the money away.)

Pigsy: Hey Mk are you and your clones hungry?

Mk: Yes.

Doctor: OMG YA!

Pigsy gives them some noodles with a pare bowl of noodles for Healer.

Mk: Thank you. Alright, I have to go give this to Helper. (He goes upstairs to see Healer talking to Red son) Oh hello Red son are you hungry? (He gives the noodles to Healer)

Red son: Y-ya I am.

Mk: Ok (he then goes downstairs to go get more for Red son.)

Healer: Bro what was that?

Red son: What do you mean?

Healer: I saw you your mind went blank when you looked at him.

Red son: N-no S-shut up!

Mk then walks into the room to see Red son looking at Healer frustrated, Red son's face then calmed as he looked at Mk.

Mk: Hey Red son, here (He gives Red son the noodles) Doctor is talking to Dad and Papa downstairs.

Mk: So Red son how are good feeling?

Red son: F-fine. (He takes a bite of the noodles)

Red son: Woah! These are really good!

Mk: Red son why are you being so nice? I'm your enemy.

Red son: No your my parent's enemy. Not mine.

Mk: So you were always nice?

Red son: No just to some people.

Mk: Wait, so I'm one of the people your nice to?

Red son: W-well ya your n-nice, helpful, cute-cutting w-with those pow-powers of yours!

Healer looks at him with a smug smile on his face: HHmm Ya sure~

Mk: AAww~ Thanks Red son.

Red son: W-whatever! You Monkie king wannabe.

Mk: Hey! I'm The Monkie Kid!

Red son: Alright, noodle boy.

Then Doctor walks into the room and sits down.

Doctor: Hey, OG (Mk looks at him) can me and Healer take care of Red son to night?

MK: Sure if he fine with it.

Doctor looks at Red son.

Red son: HHmmm sure, whatever just don't be too loud.

Doctor: Of course!

They all get ready for bed. Red son has to borrow some clothes from Mk.

Mk: Hey Red son, do you need some clothes to wear?

Red son: Yes, I don't know if your peasant clothes will fit me.

Mk: Well (he takes out two matching sets of clothes) you can see if these fit.

Red son: Sure (He takes to clothes into the bathroom to change and then walks out) So do you fit they fit me good?

Mk: Ya.

Mk: Oh do you want to sleep on the bed? I can take the couch if you want.

Red son: No way, I'm the guest. Plus I'm fine with the couch.

Mk: HHmm~ Ok~ but you can always get the bed if you want.

Red son: Ok noodle brains~ I'm going to bed. Good-night

Mk: Good-night, Red son.

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