Clothes Shopping (Chapter 4)

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*A/N: oh hey, an actual chapter, long time no see! Sorry it's been about... almost a year since my last main chapter!*

"Well no matter, I'm just happy you're smiling again, Madam Rachel... well, I'll leave you two to it," Valkenhayn states.

"Actually, hold on for a second," Nine says.

Valkenhayn stands there awkwardly, looking between the two women.

"Is there something you need from him?" Rachel asks, taking a sip of her tea.

"Well, I just thought, I'm going to need clothes, right? And, well, I can't go to the market to buy one. So you can go buy some for me," Nine states, as Valkenhayn still doesn't seem sure of what to do.

"Hmm... you can't borrow my clothes, as I'm not exactly your size. Alright, Valkenhayn, you heard the woman, go pick her up some clothes," Rachel commands.

"Um, Madam Rachel... I would need her measurements for that, wouldn't I?" Valkenhayn asks.

"Oh, here, just match this size," Nine says, snapping her fingers and spawning her old academy uniform.

"Wait, if you can just spawn clothes with magic... why do I need to go buy you clothes?" Valkenhayn asks, clearly not amused.

"I can only spawn that outfit and the clothes I'm currently wearing, I need more than 2 sets of clothes," Nine explains.

"So, is there a specific reason you can't go and buy new clothes?" Valkenhayn politely asks.

"That will be explained later, Valkenhayn. For now, just know that you cannot tell anyone about Nine staying here, or even that she's alive," Rachel commands.

"But, Madam, what of her family?" Valkenhayn asks, concerned.

"That doesn't concern you right now. The vampire gave you an order, did she not?" Nine states, getting a bit aggressive. This causes Valkenhayn to freeze for a second, then sigh.

"Of course. What if people ask about why I'm purchasing these clothes?" Valkenhayn asks.

"Tell them it doesn't concern them, because it doesn't. Now, make haste," Rachel says, dismissing Valkenhayn.

"Of course, Madam Rachel," Valkenhayn bows, before disappearing through a portal.

"Wow princess, I thought you'd be a bit nicer to your best servant," Nine jokes.

"I don't remember talking to George the 13th," Rachel snarkly replied.

"Wow, that's cold," Nine says, chuckling.

Rachel smirks at that, but just sips her tea instead of replying.

*meanwhile, Valkenhayn heads to a tailor to get more clothes made for Nine.*

"Hello sir, welcome to Towa's Tailor Shop!" A young woman exclaims as he enters the shop.

"Well hello young lady, I'm here to purchase some clothing," Valkenhayn politely says.

"Well I sure hope you are, this isn't exactly a soup store!" She jokingly says.

This causes Valkenhayn to chuckle a bit, then he presents the academy uniform, and asks "do you have any clothing that's proportioned like this? It doesn't matter what it looks like, just anything will do," he states. When the Tailor sees the uniform, her eyes light up.

"Woah! That's... that's a uniform from the magic academy! That place had been destroyed for ages... how'd you get clean set?!" She enthusiastically exclaims.

"Oh? I'm surprised a youngster like you would recognize this," Valkenhayn says.

"Oh, I am a huge history nerd! I've always been fascinated by magic, it's a shame it died out... it seemed so cool," she states, continuing to nerd out.

"A real shame. And to answer your question, I don't know, this outfit is... my... daughter's. Yeah, my daughter's. No idea how she came across it," Valkenhayn lies, hoping she wouldn't notice.

"Woah... that's so cool! But um, about the size... I don't have any normal clothes that size... but I can certainly make some! It might take a bit, though. I prefer quality over quantity, you know?" She proposes.

"That... should be fine. The designs don't matter too much, as long as it's functional. But, what do you mean by normal clothes?" Valkenhayn asks.

"Oh, well, I have some specialty clothes I got from a friend of mine. There's a nun outfit, a maid outfit, magical girl outfit... she liked cosplay, if you couldn't tell," Towa awkwardly chuckles.

"I'll take the maid and nun outfit for now... it's better than nothing. She just needs anything to wear, until you finish the regular clothes, of course," Valkenhayn says.

"How many outfits would you like, sir?" Towa asks.

"About maybe five... for every day of the week," Valkenhayn proposes.

"Can do! Give me a week or two, and come with your payment, and I'll get it done!" She exclaims.

"Thank you, young lady. Here's the payment for the specialty outfits, and I'll come back and pay for the rest when they're done," Valkenhayn says.

"Sounds good, sir! You think you can ask your daughter how she got the uniform in the first place? I'm dying to know!" Towa asks.

"Um... can do. Good day to you, young lady," Valkenhayn politely stated while exiting the shop.

"Good day to you, old man!" She playfully exclaims.

As he's leaving, he mutters to himself, "well, she said pick up clothes for her to wear... she never said what type of clothes. This should be interesting..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2023 ⏰

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