She Will Be Loved

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The day my life changed began like any other. I had survived yet another day of torture in school, most likely flunked another test, and was on my way to my dad's hospital. Heavy rain drops were falling all over the place, which made me regret the fact I'd chosen to walk to school today. 

My hands were jammed into my front jean pockets and my hood was flipped up so the rain wouldn't get me as wet. I kept silently cursing myself for deciding not to take my jet black mustang to school. I mean, I was freaking rich for crying out loud! Normal rich people were usually obsessed with their cars and wouldn't ever willingly walk to school. Then again, who ever said I was a normal rich guy? 

For one thing, I wasn't self-centered like the rich kids on TV. They're all like Oh my god, my parents have money. I'm gonna buy all my friends! Well...Kind of. I was...Well, I was just a normal kid, basically.

My whole world changed when I heard a scream coming from near by. I quickened my pace as I walked toward where the shriek came from. I stopped dead in my tracks as I passed by an alley. I glanced down it, squinting through the rain. I saw a bunch of shadowy figures surrounding what looked like a teenage girl. 

Naturally, I did the stupid thing.

I yelled, "Hey!" That got the gang's attention. They looked over at me. I could only see fragments of their faces in the shadows of the building. I walked closer to them. It probably wasn't the best idea...But I was known as a troublemaker. I usually didn't look for trouble. Trouble always seemed to find me. Anyway, I stopped when I was only one or two feet away from the crowd of obviously drunk idiots.

The leader of the retards, I assumed, stepped closer to me and slurred, "What'cha gonna do, big boy? You think you can beat us?" I could smell the liquor that rolled off his tongue. I scowled and glanced at the girl they were surrounding. Her jeans were torn and the bottom of her shirt had been ripped off. What the heck have they been doing to this chick?

I looked back at the man who spoke to me, "Leave her alone."

"Or what, huh?"

So I let my impulses take over. I pulled my arm back, then snapped it forward in one quick jab. The guy stumbled back and groaned, clutching his jaw. The teenager tried making a run for it, but one of the gang members pushed her back against the brick wall. She slid down it, tears streaming down her face. 

I kicked the guy who hit her where it hurts, then shoved him at another of the idiots. Thankfully, the other got the idea. They helped their friends off then ran off, cussing me out until they were out of earshot.

I glanced down at the teenage girl. Her black hair was matted to her forehead by sweat and her brown eyes look glassy, like she was trying not to faint. 

I was going to the hospital anyways, so I figured, What the heck? I gathered her body into my arms carefully. She sighed heavily and tried regaining focus.

Beginning to make my way to the hospital, I whispered. "It's okay."

In a matter of minutes, I was standing in the lobby of the hospital, walking over to the front counter with the girl still in my arms. 

I said to the lady at the front desk, "Hey, Ms. Smith, is my dad busy?"

Ms. Smith looked up at me, "No...Oh my god, what happened?"

"I saved her from this gang in the alley three blocks away. She's probably gonna be fine. My dad wanted me to drop by anyways, so I figured I'd have him check if anything's broken or something."

As if on cue, my dad walked into the lobby, wiping his hands on his lab coat type thing. He frowned as he saw the sleeping girl in my arms.

He mumbled, "Oh crap..." Then he spoke louder, "Tristian, take her to my office. I'll call her parents."

A look of confusion crossed my face, "You....You know her?"

Dad nodded, "Yes."

Ms. Smith said, "Go on, Tristian. I'll tell your father what happened."

After nodding once, I hurried to Dad's office and set her on the bed-type thing I'd never bother to learn the name of. I'd been to Dad's office a bajillion times, so I knew it better than I knew my high school. Then again, I'd been visiting his office since I was five and I'd only been in high school for 3 and a half years (Meaning I'm a senior!) 

The girl groaned slightly and opened her eyes. She looked around, clutching her head.

I was about to say something when Dad burst through the doors, "She's awake?"

I nodded simply. I'm not much help, obviously. Dad looked at me and told me to wait outside the office while he spoke with the girl, who was named Solstice. I just shrugged and stepped outside, leaning against the wall. I looked around, running my hand through my wet dark brown hair. 

Two men started down the hall a couple minutes later. One was only a couple years older than me...Maybe 20? The other was probably double that age, seeing as he has a grey streak in his hair. The younger one reminded me of Solstice. Probably her family.

The younger one asked me, pointing to the door of Dad's office, "Is Solstice in here?"

I answered with a small nod. The older guy opened the door and asked my dad, "Is she okay?" 

I crossed my arms as I waited. One...Three....Five....Ten minutes passed when the two men and Solstice came out from the office.

The younger guy turned to me, "Thanks for helping my sister...I'm Jason."

I nodded, "No problem. I'm Tristian."

Solstice bit her lip and studied me, "Er...Thanks."

"Like I said before, no problem."

"You go to Forest High, don't you?" She asked, staring at me.

I nodded, "Last I checked. You too?"

Solstice nodded before walking away with her family. Dad stood beside me. As soon as they were out of sight, I smiled slightly, "She...Was hot."

Dad sighed, taking off his doctor gloves, "Tristian...Solstice is the last girl you should be attracted to."

"Why? Is she a vampire?"

He rolled his eyes, "No."

"Then what is it?" I asked.


I frowned. Solstice seemed...I don't know....Different? I mean, in a good way. She wasn't all like Oh my god, you're my hero! You've saved my life....And all that.

I sighed, "So...We ready to go?"

Dad nodded, "Yeah. I doubt you'd want to walk again with all that rain. It's strange, though...It rarely rains this time of the year in California."

Shrugging, I said, "I don't know. But let's go. I'm starved."


I know, it was a short chapter! But I'll try making the chapter longer in the future! What did you think so far? The first chapter is kind of boring, but I promise it gets better in the next chapters!!!! But can you guys please help me pick a cover? My friend made a bunch of covers but I don't know which to pick.


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