She Will Be Loved Chapter Five

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Travis asked while picking his skateboard up off the ground, "So...You went on a date with Solstice, basically?"

I said, "It was not a date."

Travis and I were skateboarding at the skate park, like we did every first saturday of the month. We'd been doing it since we were thirteen.

He rolled his eyes, "Come on, man. You took her to an amusement park, the beach, and Only One."

I got on my board and did a ollie before shaking my head, "So? If it were a date, I would've told you."

Travis paused to think about it. I'd told him about my day with Solstice, not mentioning her disease. I expected him to protest, but instead, he just did a single kick flip. I shrugged at his silence then went down the ramp. After going back and forth on the half pipe, I jumped on my skateboard, grabbing it out of the air before landing on my feet. 

Travis just rode around. He got his Oh-my-god-i-forgot-to-tell-you-something look then jumped off his board, letting it run into the trash can.

I asked, "What?"

He picked up his deck and said, "My cousins are having a bon fire tonight. You know-Link and Mike. Well, they said I can bring two guests. So are you coming?"

"Sure, sounds cool. Who else are you bringing."

"Well...You could ask your girlfriend if she wants to come."

I rolled my eyes, shoving him playfully, "She's not my girlfriend, T."

Travis wagged his finger at me, "Denial isn't good, you know. Almost like lying."

"Good to know."

"I'm serious, man! Trust me."

I snorted, "Why? Because you're the master with girls? I don't think so."

"No, idiot. Because I know you."

Dropping the subject, I began walking over to my mustang, which was gleaming black in the sunlight. I unlocked the car and threw my board in the back seat, while Travis opened the passenger door. We got in, making ourselves comfortablt in the leather seats.

Travis rose his eyebrows, "Well?"

I stared at him like he dropped from the sky, "Well what?"

"Aren't you going to call her?"

"Oh. Right." I pulled out my iPhone and dialed Solstice's number. She'd called me earlier that morning to say hi, and I had of course saved the number.

After four rings, I heard a familiar voice, "Tristian."

I grinned, "The one and only."

I could practically see Solstice rolling her eyes. She asked, "What's up?"

Smirking, I said, "Space."

"Oh nuh-uh! How dare you steal my answer!" 

I laughed effortlessly, "Fine, fine. The sky. Well, any who-"

"Tristian, you sound like that kid on My Wife and Kids." Solstice pointed out.

I couldn't help but smile, "Yeah, I just realized that. But, Travis and his family are having a bon fire. He invited me and said that if I wanted, I could ask if you wanna come. So...Do you?"

"Hm...I don't know. When is it?"

I covered the speaker of my phone, glancing at Travis, "When's the bon fire?"

Travis said, "Bout seven. Ends at ten."

I answered Solstice, "It's from seven to ten."

I heard Solstice sigh, "You do know that when I...You know, go away, that you'll be hurt, right? If we spend a lot of time together."

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