Chapter 2: Crotopus' Terrain

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[District B] "Whew!" Zylan sighs, "You weren't kidding about the temperature, I can't believe it's not morning yet!" Agu smiles, "I'm happy that I am able of assistance to you, I'm not very powerful so it's a nice change for me." Selee tilts her head in confusion, "But you were The Greater Key's favorite, I assumed you would be at least more powerful than Crotopus." Agu sighs, "I would think so too, the reason we were together so much was so that she could protect me from the others. Crotopus loves me but she can be rough sometimes. Although she loves me, she was Lilith's favorite, she was so desperate for her attention that she ended up scarring me. She apologized but, no apology could halt the burning coursing through my veins." Selee cuddles up to Echo for comfort, "I'm sorry- Selee apologizes –You're the one who suffered not me." She pats her head, "Do not apologize, you have an innocent soul, I appreciate your tears." Selee wipes her tears, and Zylan pulls her into a hug. "What did happen to The Greater Key?" Cupid asks. "Well, Lilith had convinced Crotopus that Haku would tire of them and reduce them to molecules, while Crotopus was fighting with Haku she had seen me as an enemy. "Tears well in her eyes, "Haku would never hurt us, I don't know where she heard that from! I should've tried to fight back, I'm so useless to her, after all she had done for me, I couldn't even help her. Did you know she didn't fight back, after all, we put her through, she still didn't want to hurt us." Her giant tears fall to the floor, creating puddles on the ground. "She probably hates me! I can't even be mad at her for it, it's deserved." Zylan hugs her hand, "It's not your fault, I'm sure she knows how much you love her. I don't think she resents you; Agu, please empathize with yourself. You couldn't do anything; I believe she knows that she loves you very much." Agu picks Zylan up and hugs them gently, "Thank you, Zylan." Cupid, Selee and Echo hugged her hands, "We're here for you, please let us help in any way that we can," Selee says. The moons finally rest in the sky, masked by silver clouds and surrounded by stardust. Agu calms down, "We should be close by now, when we get to her castle, please let me talk to her first." They nod as they reach the luxurious temple. Agu steps out of the carriage and guides them to the giant titanium door, she knocks, and it slowly opens. They cautiously enter the seemingly empty temple, Zylan gently tugs on Agu's robe, "Um, how do we reach Crotopus?" Agu knees to their height, "Do you see the totem in the center of the temple, I must wait until the light reaches the Saphire at its spire then we can reach her. For now, I suggest that you all rest, you will be immune to the heat inside this temple." Zylan runs to share the information with the others who nod at Agu in agreement. Many hours pass and the Sunstar's light begins to creep into the temple, the rays reach the totem, and the gears underneath the brick floor clank. The floor splits slowly, revealing a staircase. "Wait here, I will return soon." They nod and Agu heads down the staircase.

She carefully heads down the stairs and reaches a throne room, "Psamathe?" she calls out. "A-Agu? Is that you?" She looks around her, confused about where the voice is coming from. "Psamathe! Where are you?" The faint sound of crying leads Agu to a back room, the door quickly shuts behind her, "Psamathe! What happened to you?" Psamathe can be seen glowing white, "(This must be the work of Lilith!)" she thinks to herself. Cupid catches her mental wavelength and rushes downstairs. The others quickly follow, bringing the blessed weapons with them. "Agu! Are you okay?" Zylan asks, loading the blessed canon. "Wait, don't hurt her! I think I got it, please take cover!" Agu creates a dual spear and begins to spar with Psamathe. "Please Psamathe! Stop fighting me, let me help!" Psamathe's gauntlets clank with her spear, she twirls it in her arms as a shield. Psamathe smashes through the shield, sending Agu tumbling back. Psamathe lunges at her and repeatedly swings at Agu. Agu narrowly dodges her attacks and pushes the spear into Psamathe's torso. Surprised, Psamathe looks at her wound and then back at Agu. Tears form in her eyes and the white glowing fades from her body as the peels spear from her stomach. Her intestines spill from her cut but she is too emotional to realize. "Ah, Agu it's really you! My sister!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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