Chapter 4 Nerves

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Having Charlie officially a guardian was the weirdest feeling. It was like he wasn't my dad, but he was at the same time. But the conversation after the social worker left was an even weirder feeling.

"So now that iv'e signed all of the paper work I'm gonna take you to the doctor tomorrow to get a cast for your arm and your leg. See. if we can get you on some pain killers-"

"Can I ask you some questions?"

"Of coarse, anything. Shoot"

"First of all do you have a job"

"Yes, i'm a psychologist, have been for 15 years."

"Do you have any other family?"

"I have a sister named Cara, not biologically of coarse but we were adopted by the same family. And she has an adopted son named Anthony. Any other questions?"

"Not at the moment."

"Well alright, its getting late. Go to bed and we can talk more in the morning."

I couldn't sleep, not only because I was sick of this couch. But because I still couldn't rap my head around the fact that I was living with man I only met three days ago. But I guess id rather it be Charlie than the state of Colorado.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of bacon.

"up up up, soups on"

I grabbed my umbrella and waddled over to the table. I sat across the table from Charlie and picked at my food, my stomach was still in knots.

"So your doctors appointment is at noon, so I was thinking we could go shopping before your appointment for a new toothbrush, shoes, clothes, or anything you need since you'll be here permanently.

I looked up with a mouth full of hash browns and nodded, instantly going back to my food. He chuckled and went back to his breakfast too. Our way to the store was mostly just Charlie talking to fill the awkward silence. Questions like "whats your favorite color?", "what cloths do you think you want?", do you want jeans or shorts?." I don't think I could care less what kind of clothes I got, as long as I got something besides the ratty brown t-shirt, shorts, and flip flops id been wearing for the last three days.

We wondered around Walmart for an hour or so until he sufficiently filled our cart with everything I didn't need. I think he likes shopping more than I do, especially for someone who is the most manly guy live ever met. I got dresses and we went to my doctors appointment. He did what was expected. He put my arm in a real sling, and put a cast on my leg along with some crutches.

But as soon as we got home he asked the one question a foster kid never likes to here.

"Can we talk about something really quick"

"What do you want to talk about? did I do something wrong? whats going on Charlie"

"Oh no no your fine, nothings wrong. I just wanted to talk to you about sleeping arrangements. So we can definitely convert the office into a room for you, but its pretty small. So I was thinking, maybe we could move this fall. It would be closer to your school and by the country side, this would defiantly be a nicer place for you to grow up-"

"I'm sorry. Please don't do this just for me. I've already messed your life up enough and I don't want to do anything else to jeopardize your job or your life-"

I was starting to cry

"Fay, you didn't mess up my life, you haven't effected my job in anyway. Fay listen I know this all happened so fast for you, but listen to me when I say that you brought my life back into perspective, you are my life now and their is nothing that is going to change that-"

"NO,NO, this isn't right. Iv'e ruined everything. I need to leave. I shouldn't be here!

That was my first panic attack. I was starting to cry uncontrollably, I was screaming now. This had nothing to do with Charlie he was fine, It was me being a nine year old dealing with adult troubles. Charlie rapped his arm around me, but I couldn't stop. I was crying and screaming, rocking myself back and forth. My nose was dripping blood. Charlie called an ambulance.

I woke up in the hospital. Charlie was asleep in the chair next to my hospital bed. he was holding a hospital bear and a balloon. He looked so completely ridiculous it made me smile. A scrawny male doctor stormed in with a clipboard and was surprised to see me awake.

"Well good morning, i'm Dr. Shay. You must be, Fay" he said looking at his clipboard.

I could see Charlie starting to shuffle awake. I was getting nervous again and didn't want to see him. Dr. Shay looked worried.

"Would you like your father out of the room while we talk about your condition, and I can talk to him later?"

I looked at Charlie who was still asleep, but barely. I nodded to Dr. Shay.

"He isn't my dad, but I don't want to hurt his feelings"

"It's fine, ill take care of it"

Dr. Shay looked at charlie and nudged him awake

"Would you mind stepping out while we do some test's."

Charlie looked into my eyes with pure worry and concern before the doctor ran him out of the room. Which made feel even worse.

Hey guys! Please feel free to vote and comment I would love some feedback it would be very appreciated  : ) till next time

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