chapter 10

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didn't really understand the last part but anyways.

" guys don't mind that I eavesdropped?" I asked them, Sakura sigh while Sachiko laughs. "It wasn't really that important so I don't care." Sakura said, crossing her arms. "You guys are arguing over me, but why?" I look at them dumbfounded. "Isn't it obvious, we like you. God you're stupid." Sakura shakes her head, a slight blush crept on her cheeks. "But it seems that Sachiko is dumb to think that she's the only one to like you." Sakura glares at Sachiko, although she's still holding that smirk onto her face. "So what? You're obviously trying to get her first. I've interacted with her longer than you. There's no way she'd like you." Sachiko spat at her, now both of them are glaring at eachother. I shiver, the tension getting more intimidating. "And how do you know that? You're not Y/N, you don't know how she feels." Sakura says, gritting her teeth. "Well then, we just have to ask her. Y/N, who do you like the most." They both were looking at me now, I start panicking. Let's be honest, I like both of them. I love them both equally.

"Uhm...give me more time to think." I quickly turn around and walk away, leaving them both alone with eachother. "I'll make her like me more by the end of the day." Sachiko smirks. "Oh yeah? I'll laugh at your face if she likes me more." With that, they both walked away in opposite directions.

Timeskip to idk

You were having a talk with Mary because you had nothing else to do and your sister was still busy being a kitten for Sachiko. "Say, Y/N...have you heard that Sachiko and Sakura are gambling over you?" When Mary said that, you let out a gasp. "What? Where did you hear that from!?" You exclaimed, grabbing her shoulders tightly. Mary bursts out laughing at your reaction. "Oh N/N..that was a joke pft.." Mary tries holding in her laughs but fails. "That wasn't funny.."

"Yeah, but it is if you were me!" Mary hangs her arm onto your shoulder as you both walk outside of the school.


If you guys had to choose between Sachiko and Sakura who'd you choose?

Also, you guys should be expecting slow updates</3

Juraku Sachiko x Sado Y/N X Miharutaki SakuraWhere stories live. Discover now