Chapter 5 I Night of Killing

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It was nighttime. 

"Since we have enough recourses now, let's go out and try to get some enderpearls," Mary said.

David and I agreed. We left our house and started finding some endermen.

Several seconds later, I found an enderman.

"Oi, fellas found 1," I said.

We all sprinted towards the enderman, and we killed it together.

Thankfully it dropped 1 enderpearl and some xp as it died.

 I walked into the enderpearl, and it appeared in my inventory.

"Got 1," I said, sounding a bit excited

I can't wait to escape this place.

There was a zombie that was about to attack David from behind.

"David, look out!" I yelled at David.

David turned around quickly and quickly slaughtered the zombie with his iron sword.

"That was close 1," Mary said.

We all agreed. 

We continue finding some endermen.

We soon found another enderman holding a grass block. 

We started running towards the endermen.

As we were sprinting, we got shot at by 2 skeletons.

"Let's kill the skeletons first, then kill the enderman," Mary said.

David and I said yes.

We all sprinted towards the skeletons and killed them with our swords. 

We started sprinting towards the enderman now. 

We killed it with our swords.

It dropped an enderpearl.

I picked it up. The golden sun was now rising above the horizon.

"Let's return to our house and put our loot in the chest," David said.

We all walked back to our house.

We entered it, put all the stuff we got from killing mobs, and put them all in the chest.

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