Mystery Cab Driver

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"What the hell do you mean you've known me for years? In my nineteen years of life this is the first time I've ever laid eyes on you" I stated.

He grabbed my hands and began to entangle his fingers through mine and held them tight.

"You will know soon. Trust me. Do you trust me?" he asked me.

"I trust you" I stated.

He led me to the back seat of his cab and he politely opened the door for me and moved his hand in a motion pointing towards the inside of the cab as if I was a queen.

We passed a few clubs and I saw the guy I spilled water on earlier that day kissing a beautiful women with long glorious blonde hair. I wish it could have been me out there living my life and being normal but I'm a ugly girl who could never get a guy as cute as him. I'm still embarrassed that I spilled water on him because I was staring at him and I ran into him and everyone knew that was why I ran into him. People laughed and he called me a idiot. Sometimes I feel like I don't have a life and I'm just going through the motions. Ya know? I wish I could be normal. Maybe that life wasn't meant for me. Maybe I wasn't meant to be beautiful and nice. I was meant to be a ugly disgrace to everyone I meet. That's probably why I don't have any friends. I wish I could have someone like my brothers to guide me but they both are either in college or about to get married and have kids of their own. I would at least like to have someone like my dad but he didn't care enough to stay. He probably never cared in the first place.
Ugh. This story is really good and interesting but it is taking forever to get to the best part without making the chapters look like I wrote a book. I'm trying to go as fast as I can and make it good. ❤️❤️❤️

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