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Hello hello fellow readers of mine!
It has been awhile since I've written something but I am finally back with a DSMP book!

The original series of this book is by Crows_and_Death

And now, to what you guys would probably prefer to see instead of my rambling!


–––The Story–––


Black. Everything was dark. You couldn't see a single thing around you. Maybe you're sleeping? Who knows.. Who asks..

Suddenly you saw light flash though your lids. The sudden light hitting your vision, it caused small pain in your eyes. Slowly you flickered your eyes open and get used to the bright world around you. You're surrounded by big and long healthy trees, you laying right under one in the soft grass.

You have no memories, no real thoughts right now. Just confusion

You took a look at your surroundings, setting yourself up and leaning yourself against the tree you found yourself under. Feeling your hand against the soft surface of the grass. It felt nice, but wouldn't assist you from focusing away from your confusion.

Where were you?
How did you get here?
Is it safe?

You sat there, staying a little longer in the surrounding woods and the ray of sunlight passing through each tree trunk and branch. It looked so pretty...
You were to focused on your surroundings that the only thing to snap you out of it was the sudden sound of a loud thunder.

Finally getting the will, you stood up knowing that if you didn't find shelter first you'd be stuck wondering where you are while also getting soaked in the rain. You didn't know exactly where the thunders were coming from but I'm sure everybody knows that being in the woods while it is raining and thundering isn't one of the best ideas.

So on with that common sense, you onwards in a fast pace to the opposite direction that the sound of thunder came from. Unfortunately for you, only about 5 steps away and you can already feel the raindrops falling from the incoming grey clouds from above, landing on the grass and your fragile body. The sudden drops of rain warned to you run as much as you can to get away from the storm as you could hear more thunder in the distance behind you.

As the rain started pouring down even worse, you kept running even if you were clueless where you were heading. You held your hands above your head as you kept running. Your eyes were looking down at the muddy grass as you kept rushing for shelter.

You had lost focus on your surroundings as you were to busy running, untill you bumped into something.. or someone. Your _ss fell onto the wet ground. You weren't pleasant with your butt getting wet but was that really your current concerns while you might've found someone else in this storm?—

You suddenly got a fright as you got caught off guard by the sudden thunder from afar once more. Remembering that you bumped into somebody you look up to see...

A person that wore a green top, the hoodie covering their head from the rain. They also wore black pants and boots too. What mostly caught your attention and frightened you a bit was the diamond sword in his hand. As he turned his back around to face you, you could see his bright shinning green eyes from the side underneath his white mask which had a smiley face on it.

„Don't Choose Sides, Choose People"   ( Dream X F!Reader )Where stories live. Discover now